When I deploy the same service on different machines as they have different information that I need , how can I use my client gracely to consume these service .
You need to define the service endpoint you want to connect to in your client's config.
You cannot define a list of endpoints - if you need load-balancing features, you need to implement those on the server side and "hide" them behind a single service endpoint.
使用.NET 4和WCF 4,您可以检出新功能:
With .NET 4 and WCF 4, you have new capabilities you could check out:
WCF 4提供了一个新的路由服务,您可以使用该服务在单个URL上进行调用,并且可以控制如何将这些调用分发"到实际的后端服务器
WCF 4 has a new routing service which you can use to get called on a single URL, and you have control over how to "distribute" those calls to the actual back-end servers
WCF 4还支持动态服务发现,因此您可以向网络大喊大叫"并获取一个支持您感兴趣的合同的服务端点地址
WCF 4 also supports dynamic service discovery, so you could potentially just "yell out onto the network" and get back one service endpoint address that supports your contract you're interested in