有谁知道是否可以使用API获取Open URL?
$ b getOpenWithLinks方法在v2驱动器API的修订版本75中再次可用。
I am hoping to programatically open a drive file with a particular app using the Google drive APIs.
The aim is to mimic the GUI drive method of launching an app using the "Open With" context menu for a selected file.
While I can get a list of the available apps using apps list method, the app resource doesn't detail the Open URL as far as I can work out.
Does anyone know if it is possible to obtain the Open URL using the APIs?
I believe if you have the scope set for drive.apps.readonly you should be able to use the File method getOpenWithLinks to discover the URLs. Just testing it now, the getOpenWithLinks method isn't available on the File class. I wonder if it has been deprecated? Certainly I can't find evidence of it being so.
Revision: the getOpenWithLinks methods are available again in revision 75 of the v2 drive API.