


I have a webpage which refreshes every 5 minutes with client details. I have added a username password to it through the basic and standard htaccess and a htpassword file type login system it since part of the file contains company data.


But I need this same webpage to be opened at my work PC which is a secured PC connected to a display screen to display same.


On a power cut or a internet disconnection the PC has a startup file with a shortcut to this webpage so it appears automatically BUT stops from the 401 Authorization login form. So no go until I fill the details.


Is there a way I can keep a file with a php or a javascript or jquery code so it can feed the username password to that and open the webpage (even as a iframe)?

无需担心文件的安全性 - PC被锁在一个只有一小部分的机柜中通风孔和显示器电缆出来到显示器和另一个小孔到达电源按钮。

No need to worry about the safety of the file - the PC is locked in a cabinet with only a small set of holes for ventilation and for the display cable coming out to the monitor and another small hole to reach the power button.


If you know to do this on android let me know as well.



因为网络钓鱼人在URL中使用@和:标记来隐藏网址。对于像 www.facebook.com:[email protected] 这样的URL中的
用户将监督@ notfacebook.com部分并输入登录详细信息到钓鱼网页没有注意到后者。所以现在要么这个方法不起作用,要么

Because phishing people use @ and : marks in URL to hide URLs. For example in a URL like www.facebook.com:[email protected] user will oversee @notfacebook.com part and enter login details to a phishing webpage without noticing the latter. So now either this method will not simply work or either you will see a warning saying this URL maybe a phishing site. So even if it's a private webpage where only you have access to it browser will try its protective mechanisms.



Can pass it from the URL itself!


and the content of the url gets hidden after as wellAlso global compatible as I know!


08-20 07:18