



我是在Core 2.0中首次在.net core中构建我的api.该客户端是使用vs 2017角度模板构建的.

I've built my api in .net core for the first time in core 2.0. The client is built using vs 2017 angular template.


My api is used even by other applications which may not be using windows authentication. For those functions I want to allow anonymous access. For this reason I've to enable both windows authentication and anonymous authentication.


But when enable both I know I cannot get windows user name. In that case how can get the windows user name?


The following code breaks when I enable anonymous authentication along with windows authentication.

public ADUser GetCurrentUser()

         string accountUser = this.User.Identity.Name;
         return new ADUser { Name = accountUser };

有人可以帮助我如何处理以下情况.如果不能,那么有人可以告诉我如何在.net core 2.0中做以下事情

Can someone please help me how did they dealt the following situation. If not can someone tell me how to do the following things in .net core 2.0

  1. 使用Windows身份验证对用户进行身份验证
  2. 保护api不被恶意用户访问.
  3. 甚至通过匿名用户也可以使用api的一些基本功能.


When using windows authentication I need to be able to get windows user name so I check my user, roles database to authorize them accordingly.


[Update]As I said I know I get windows user name when I enable Windows Authentication and disable all other authentication types in IIS. But I am unable to access functions which I want anonymous users to be able to access even after using [AllowAnonymous].


I can also read from the following snippet that AllowAnonymous doesn't have any affect if only windows authentication is enabled.


When Windows authentication is enabled and anonymous access is disabled, the [Authorize] and [AllowAnonymous] attributes have no effect. If the IIS site (or HTTP.sys or WebListener server) is configured to disallow anonymous access, the request never reaches your app. For this reason, the [AllowAnonymous] attribute isn't applicable.Thanks


  • 将应用程序部署到IIS,然后打开该站点的身份验证"菜单.
    • 禁用匿名并启用Windows身份验证
    • 将以下内容添加到ConfigureServices方法中:


    //using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration;



    For the APIs or action controllers that you want to secure, decorate them with [Authorize] attribute, then you get the logged in user using HttpContext.User.Identity.Name. Use [AllowAnonymous] on actions that you want to allow access.


    In case you want to secure and allow access on the same api, then you need to provide your own implementation of the Authorization filter.


    For more details check this link


08-20 07:17