

我正在为iOS进行个人调整。我想在电话显示任何内容之前断开/连接电话。我正在进入类 SBUIFullscreenAlertAdapter initWithAlertController:方法。当我只显示一条显示来电号码及其姓名的消息时,一切都还可以,但是当我尝试接听电话或以编程方式断开电话时,它会崩溃并进入安全模式。

I'm working on a personal tweak for iOS. I want to disconnect/connect a phone call before the phone would show anything. I'm hooking into the initWithAlertController: method of class SBUIFullscreenAlertAdapter. Everything is okay when I just show a message that shows the incoming phone number and its name, but when i try to answer the phone call or disconnect it programmatically, it will crash and go to safe mode.


@interface SBUIFullscreenAlertAdapter
- (id)initWithAlertController:(id)arg1;

@interface MPIncomingPhoneCallController
    struct __CTCall *_incomingCall;
- (id) incomingCallNumber;
- (void)stopRingingOrVibrating;
- (void)answerCall:(struct __CTCall *)arg1;

%hook SBUIFullscreenAlertAdapter
- (id)initWithAlertController:(id)arg1
    MPIncomingPhoneCallController *phoneCall = (MPIncomingPhoneCallController*)arg1;
    [phoneCall stopRingingOrVibrating];
    if([phoneCall.incomingCallNumber isEqualToString:@"+98.........."]) {
        [phoneCall answerCall:_incomingCall];
    return self;


The error is that it says: "Use of undeclared identifier '_incomingCall'".

如何解决问题?有没有办法在挂钩方法时使用私有实例变量?是否有一个函数返回来电的 CTCallRef * ?有没有其他方法可以实现这一目标?

How can I solve the problem? Is there a way to use a private instance variable while hooking a method? Is there a function which returns a CTCallRef* of the incoming call? Is there some other way to accomplish this?


It should be obvious that I'm coding for jailbroken iOS devices, so there is no problem with the use of private frameworks.


还有更好的地方 - MPTelephonyManager - (void)displayAlertForCall:(id)调用。此方法位于 IncomingCall.servicebundle 二进制文件中,而不是SpringBoard本身。当有来电时,这个二进制文件在运行时被加载到SpringBoard中。在此之前 IncomingCall.servicebundle 未加载,因此您无法挂钩它的方法。

There is much better place to do that - MPTelephonyManager -(void)displayAlertForCall:(id)call. This method is located in IncomingCall.servicebundle binary, not in SpringBoard itself. This binary is being loaded at runtime into SpringBoard when there is an incoming call. Before that IncomingCall.servicebundle is not loaded thus you can't hook it's methods.

为了挂钩方法,首先,请阅读 SBPluginManager 正在加载* .servicebundle运行时的二进制文件。你需要挂钩它的 - (类)loadPluginBundle:(id)bundle 方法。它看起来像这样:

In order to hook the method, first, read this How to hook methods of MPIncomingPhoneCallController? SBPluginManager is loading *.servicebundle binaries at runtime. You need to hook it's -(Class)loadPluginBundle:(id)bundle method. It's gonna look something like this:

void displayAlertForCall_hooked(id self, SEL _cmd, id arg1);
void(*displayAlertForCall_orig)(id, SEL, id) = NULL;

%hook SBPluginManager
    Class ret = %orig;

    if ([[bundle bundleIdentifier] isEqualToString:@"com.apple.mobilephone.incomingcall"] && [bundle isLoaded])

    return ret;

如你所见,挂钩延迟到 IncomingCall.servicebundle 。我不太了解徽标/ theos,但我认为它不能那样做。这就是我使用CydiaSubstrate(MobileSubstrate)API的原因。

As you can see, hooking is deferred until IncomingCall.servicebundle is loaded. I don't know logos/theos that well but I think it can't do that. That's why I used CydiaSubstrate (MobileSubstrate) API.

#define SYSTEM_VERSION_LESS_THAN(v) ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending)
typedef void* CTCallRef;
void CTCallDisconnect(CTCallRef);
void CTCallAnswer(CTCallRef);

void displayAlertForCall_hooked(id self, SEL _cmd, id arg1)
    CTCallRef call = NULL;
        //On iOS 6 and below arg1 has CTCallRef type
        call = arg1;
       //On iOS 7 arg1 has TUTelephonyCall* type
       call = [arg1 call];

    NSString *callNumber = (NSString*)CFBridgingRelease(CTCallCopyAddress(NULL, call));
    if ([callNumber isEqualToString:@"+98.........."])



08-20 07:04