



我正在研究如何使用android智能手表进行活动识别的方法。目前,我专注于检测用户是走路还是站着。我的第一个想法是使用内置的计步器,但是后来我遇到了Android Activity Recognition API(我对Android ^^比较陌生),该API似乎仅在移动应用中使用。

I'm researching ways on how to do activity recognition using an android smartwatch. Currently, I'm focusing on detecting whether the user is walking or standing still. My first idea was to use the built in step counter, but then I came across the Android Activity Recognition API (I'm relatively new to Android^^) which seems to be used in mobile apps only.


I'm now stucking at answering the following questions:

  • 当前的API是否已经在使用已连接可穿戴设备?

  • 是否有可用于Android Wear的单独API?

  • 是否还有其他功能如何使用可穿戴设备进行活动识别的最佳实践? (尤其是走路和站着不动)


During my research I've already tried the following things:

  • 阅读《 Android活动识别指南》

  • 阅读关于Google的活动识别API

  • 实现简单使用当前活动识别API的Android Wear应用。我在LG G Watch上测试了该应用程序,但没有成功。看来我可以连接到ActivityRecognitionClient,但是我从未收到任何活动更新。我在Nexus 5上尝试了相同的代码-一切正常。

  • 通读。在这里,作者就像 ...我们喜欢 Android Wear 的活动识别API,因为我们一直认为位置跟踪技术是此类功能的重要支柱...。因此,据此,有一个单独的API,对吧?

  • Reading through the Android Activity Recognition Guide
  • Reading through this article about Google's Activity Recognition API
  • Implementing a simple Android Wear App which uses the current Activity Recognition API. I tested the app on my LG G Watch without success. It seems like I can connect to the ActivityRecognitionClient but I never receive any activity updates. I tried the same code on my Nexus 5 - everything works fine.
  • Reading through this post about Google Play Services. Here the author is like "...We like the Activity Recognition API for Android Wear, as we’ve always thought the location tracking technology was a great backbone for this type of functionality...". So according to this, there is a seperate API, right?


I would be very thankful for any helpful information from you guys. In my opinion, a cool thing (see first question) would be to automatically detect a connected wearable device and use its sensors for enhancing the accurancy when the mobile phone is unsure about the current user's activity.



不,这没有道理吗?可穿戴和手持设备并非总是同时携带;手表可以移动,而手持设备可以静止。 (反之亦然)我不确定合并测量的值是多少。

No, and this would not make sense would it? The wearable and handheld device is not always carried at the same time; the watch can be moving, and the handheld still. (vice versa) I am not sure what the value of a combined measurement would be.

是。 google提供了不同的Google Play服务库或可穿戴设备,您会在编译依赖项中看到它;

Yes. google provide a different Google Play Services library or wearables you see this in the compile dependencies;



compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:6.5.87'

因此,当您在第一个Moto360应用中测试API时,实际上是导入了面向手持设备的播放服务库,而不是可穿戴版本。客户端API的可穿戴版本中不包含常量 ActivityRecognition.API。

So, when you tested the API in your first Moto360 app, you actually imported the play services libraries meant for handhelds instead of the wearable version. The constant "ActivityRecognition.API" is not included in the wearable version of the client API.


One way would be to use the raw accelerometer data to detect motion. It is fairly easy to detect that the device is not moving at all, to detect anything else is not trivial.


You could push sensor data from the wearable to the handheld for processing there if you like. Ping me if you'd like some code showing just that. I don't want to post it since it is not relevant to the question.


My guess is that Google will include this API on the handheld device in the future. Spending a lot of time "rolling your own" might be a risk...


08-20 07:04