


I'm looking for a simple way to pass messages from one process (Perl script, short-lived) to another (Python script, long-running) - both processes local to the same machine.I've done some research, but what I've found was either over my head or seemed unnecessarily complex - leaving me a bit lost and confused.


I imagine a minimal example roughly like the following:

# listener.py

class Listener:
    def __init__(self, port)
        self.port = port

    def on_message(self, msg):
        print "%s: %s" % (timestamp, msg)

recipient = Listener(1234)

# sender.pl

sub send_message {
    my ($msg, $port) = @_;
    # ...

send_message("hello world", 1234);


Any pointers on how to solve and/or where to read up on this would be greatly appreciated!


通常,您对套接字感兴趣.获取所需的大致信息的好地方是 IO ::的文档Socket :: INET 或来自 perldoc perlipc

In general you are interested in sockets. A good place to get just the needed rough information is the documentation of IO::Socket::INET or more basic socket-stuff in perl from perldoc perlipc


08-23 05:13