我试图了解Amazon AWS IoT,并且看到在传感器/执行器和AWS(规则引擎)之间连接了一个设备网关.我了解传感器/执行器是MQTT客户端,可以发布/订阅主题.
I am trying to understand Amazon AWS IoT and I see there is a Device Gateway connected between Sensors/Actuators and AWS (Rules Engine). I understand Sensors/Actuators are MQTT Clients which can Publish/Subscribe to the topics.
Device Gateway is also a MQTT Client ?
Then where is the MQTT broker?
OR设备网关是AWS + IoT服务的代理+通信接口吗?
OR Device Gateway is Broker + communication interface to AWS-IoTservices?
我已在AWS IoT上附加了Image Amazon演示文稿作为参考:
I have attached an Image Amazon presentation on AWS IoT for the reference:
The gateway is a MQTT broker, but not a fully compliant one. Some of the differences are:
- 不保留邮件支持
- 不支持QOS2
- 无消息持久性
完整的详细信息可以在这里找到 http://docs.aws. amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/protocols.html
Full details can be found here http://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/protocols.html
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