




When I invoke my multithreaded perl script, on a few occassions, it throws some exception similar to the following. I am sorry that I could not share code. But if really needed I can try to build a snippet (if really really required). Because I guess this should have some theoretical answer.

*** glibc detected *** perl: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x00007f775401e9a0 ***
======= Backtrace: =========


Why am I getting such errors?

我正在使用use Thread :: Queue;使用thread :: shared;请让我知道您的看法.

I am using use Thread::Queue; use threads::shared; Please let me know your views.


Below are the thread libraries version info.

use threads; - installed v2.15 (latest - 2.16)
use Thread::Queue; - installed v3.12 (up to date)
use threads::shared; - installed v1.56 (latest - 1.57)
perl - installed v5.26.1


use YAML::XS 'LoadFile';  - 0.66 up to date
use Net::Netconf::Manager; - 1.02 up to date
use Config::Properties; - 1.80 up to date
use Sys::Syslog; - 0.35 up to date
use DateTime::Format::Strptime; - 1.74 up to date
use DateTime; - 1.44 up to date
use XML::LibXML; - 2.0129 (latest 2.0139)
use Regexp::Common qw/net/; - 2017060201 up to date
use Getopt::Long; - 2.5 up to date



To give you a firm answer, we need something we can run and troubleshoot. Otherwise the error is not reproducible.


Having said that - this looks like something similar to what I have encountered before with certain modules not being thread safe - they'll often run fine, and then very occasionally explode in your face.

例如 Crypt :: SSLeay 早在2008年. Net :: SSLeay 1.4.2之前的版本

E.g. Crypt::SSLeay back in 2008. Net::SSLeay prior to 1.4.2

一般的解决方法是停止在编译时使用use加载罪魁祸首-因为然后所有线程都继承相同的状态-而是在线程内 ,在运行时使用requireimport加载它们.这样,您就可以隔离它们-您的线程将花费稍微更长的时间来启动,但是无论如何,您都不应在perl中向这些线程发送垃圾邮件.

The general workaround is to stop loading the culprits at compile time with use - because then the same state is inherited by all threads - and instead within the thread, load them at runtime with require and import. By doing this, you're isolating them - your threads will take slightly longer to start, but you shouldn't be spamming threads anyway in perl.


Or use a different module that is thread safe.


With your update and screenshot - Net::SSH2 is mentioned - and that implies one of your other modules is pulling that in.

但是 Net :: SSH线程安全表示 libssh 可能会对线程安全性有一些限制:

However Net::SSH thread safey indicates that libssh might have some constraints on thread safety:


You don't explicitly mention using it, but it looks like it's being pulled in by another module. At a guess, that'll be Net::Netconf::Manager.


And as a second further guess - it might well be doing the 'share handles' because it doesn't realise it's being run in a thread.


So this module is the one I'd suggest isolating within the threads:

require 'Net::NetConf::Manager';
Net::NetConf::Manager -> import;


And do the instantiation within-thread.


As you're using a worker-threads model, this should be minimal overhead, and will mean that you're not hitting this problem.


But more generally - it's unwise to assume modules are thread safe unless they explicitly say they are. The major 'tripping' points are usually whenever any sort of resource sharing can be assumed/implied by the module, such as network sockets, file handles, database connections etc. Often a socket is created at instantiation (e.g. the point where you pass username/password) and having two threads trying to drive a socket concurrently is a potential race condition.


08-20 06:36