本文介绍了C语言中数字时钟的源代码的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 限时删除!! 亲爱的, PLZ告诉我数字时钟的源代码 C语言。我真的需要它而且我不知道如何使用C语言。 实际上我想在LINUX中创建一个时钟>如果有任何身体发布我的话 代码我是HALL我非常感谢HOMPLZ回复我PLZDear All,PLZ TELL ME THE SOURCE CODE OF DIGITAL CLOCK INC LANGUAGE . I REALLY NEED IT AND I DONOT KNOW HOW TO USE C LANGUAGE .ACTUALLY I WANT TO MAKE A CLOCK IN LINUX >IF ANY BODY POST ME THECODE I HALL BEW VERY THANKFUL TO HOMPLZ DO REPLY ME PLZ推荐答案 不要大喊大叫! 除非您使用电传打字机。 - Ian Collins。DON''T SHOUT!Unless you are using a teletype.--Ian Collins. 在大写中完全打字被认为是在usenet上大喊大叫。你应该使用正常的判刑案例。 至于问题,这不是comp.sources.wanted。如果您尝试首先自己编写程序,那么人们会乐意在您出错的地方展示 。 如果你想要一些提示,请查看time()和mktime()函数以及 与它们相关的各种结构。这些将帮助你入门。 - 马克麦金太尔 调试是硬度的两倍首先编写代码。 因此,如果你尽可能巧妙地编写代码,那么,根据定义,你是b $ b,不够聪明,不能调试它。 ; --Brian KernighanTypinG ENTIRELY IN UPPERCASE is regarded as shouting on usenet. Youshould use normal sentence case.As for the question, this isn''t comp.sources.wanted. If you try towrite the programme yourself first, then people will be happy to showwhere you''ve gone wrong.If you want some hints, look at the time() and mktime() functions andthe various structs associated with them. These will get you started.--Mark McIntyre"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,by definition, not smart enough to debug it."--Brian Kernighan #include< stdio.h> #define PUTS puts #define MAIN main #define INT INT MAIN() { PUTS(现在时间是4:41 PM,可能不合适); }#include <stdio.h>#define PUTS puts#define MAIN main#define INT inINT MAIN(){PUTS("THE TIME IS NOW 4:41PM, MIGHT BE INCORRECT THOUGH");} 这篇关于C语言中数字时钟的源代码的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 1403页,肝出来的..
09-06 10:30