




I am running the below code snippet on Windows. The server starts listening continuously after reading from client. I want to terminate this command after a time period.

如果我在main.pl中使用 alarm()函数调用,则它将终止整个Perl程序(此处为main.pl),因此我通过放置以下命令来将此 system 命令在单独的Perl文件中并使用 system 命令在原始Perl文件中调用此Perl文件(alarm.pl)

If I use alarm() function call within main.pl, then it terminates the whole Perl program (here main.pl), so I called this system command by placing it in a separate Perl fileand calling this Perl file (alarm.pl) in the original Perl File using the system command.


But in this way I was unable to take the output of this system() call neither in the original Perl File nor in called one Perl File.


Could anybody please let me know the way to terminate a system() call or take the output in that way I used above?

my @output = system("alarm.pl");
print"one iperf completed\n";

open FILE, ">display.txt" or die $!;
print FILE @output_1;
close FILE;


alarm 30;
my @output_1 = readpipe("adb shell cd /data/app; ./iperf -u -s -p 5001");

open FILE, ">display.txt" or die $!;
print FILE @output_1;
close FILE;




There are a few separate issues here.


First, to keep the alarm from killing your script, you need to handle the ALRM signal. See the alarm documentation. You shouldn't need two scripts for this.


Second, system doesn't capture output. You need one of the backtick variants or a pipe if you want to do that. There are answers for that on Stackoverflow already.

第三,如果 alarm.pl 将任何内容放入 display.txt 中,则在重新打开菜单时将其丢弃在 main.pl 中.文件处于写入模式.您只需要在一个地方创建文件.当您删除多余的脚本时,就不会有此问题.

Third, if alarm.pl puts anything in display.txt, you discard it in main.pl when you re-open the file in write mode. You only need to create the file in one place. When you get rid of the extra script, you won't have this problem.

我最近在alarmsystem上遇到了一些问题,但是切换到IPC :: System :: Simple 可以解决此问题.

I recently had some problems with alarm and system, but switching to IPC::System::Simple fixed that.



08-20 06:18