



abstract class Fruit {
    private content: Fruit[] = [];

    addChild() {
        // Pick one at random (using this as an example instead of the actual criteria that determines this)
        const type = pickOne(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']);

        switch (type) {
            case 'apple':
                this.content.push(new Apple());
            case 'banana':
                this.content.push(new Banana());
            case 'cherry':
                this.content.push(new Cherry());

class Apple extends Fruit { }

class Banana extends Fruit { }

class Cherry extends Fruit { }


How can I restructure this without creating circular dependencies so that:

  1. 每个班级都在一个单独的文件中

  2. addChild()方法而无需复制代码

  1. Each class is in a separate file
  2. The addChild() method is available on all children without duplicating the code


I've read that it is generally a bad pattern for the base class to know anything about child classes but I'm not sure what a better pattern would look like.




You need to split the abstract class from the factory class (create new instances):

// fruit.ts
abstract class Fruit {
    private content: Array<Fruit> = [];

    addChild(child: Fruit) {

// fruit-factory.ts
class FruitFactory {
    create(type: 'apple' | 'banana' | 'cherry'): Fruit {
        switch (type) {
            case 'apple':
                return new Apple();
            case 'banana':
                return new Banana();
            case 'cherry':
                return new Cherry();

// apple.ts
class Apple extends Fruit { }

// banana.ts
class Banana extends Fruit { }

// cherry.ts
class Cherry extends Fruit { }


The Factory design pattern is useful to isolate and reuse the code that creates an object.

在更详细的示例中, loadChildren 不必绑定到 List 抽象类。这使得 List 摘要有3个职责:作为列表,从外部源加载数据以及创建新实体。

In your more detailed example, the loadChildren does not have to be tied to the List abstract class. This makes the List abstract have 3 responsibilities: being a list, loading data from an external source and creating new entities.


A guiding principle for maintainable code is the single responsibility principle where each class have a single responsibility.

我建议您拆分列表对象在3个类中,基于确定的职责:抽象类列表类ListFactory 类DataFetcher

I suggest that you split your List object in 3 classes, based on the identified responsibilities: abstract class List, class ListFactory and class DataFetcher.


This will allow you to define a good interface for each of these classes.


08-20 06:16