




Is there a portable way to run a python script from a shell without writing its full path?


For example in Linux, I would like while in my home directory

cd ~


to be able to run a python script called run.py that is in say, ~/long/path/to/run.py, but I want to run it by simply typing

python run.py


python ~/long/path/to/run.py

我希望找到一种包含类似于PATH变量的目录的搜索路径列表,以便python run.py在一个目录中运行它遇到的第一个run.py.

I would hope for some kind of search path list that contains several directories just like the PATH variable, so that python run.py runs the first run.py it encounters in one of the directories.


I have considered turning run.py into an executable and adding its directory the system PATH variable, but could not find a portable way of making a python script executable.



One year later after asking it, I am a bit less noob, and I see that my question was not very clear and did not make much sense, so after a question upvote I'll clarify some things.



When I asked this I said portable. However what portable means is not clear in this case, and I did not give much emphasis to it.

  • 平台:应可在POSIX(Linux,MacOS等)和Windows上运行

  • the platforms: should work on POSIX (Linux, MacOS, etc.) and Windows

这仍然没有多大意义,因为Windows使用cmd.exe,而POSIX使用sh,因此每个人都可以使用不同的语法运行命令.因此,我们可以说,最可移植的方法是将相同的输入同时输入到shcmd.exe,并在两种情况下都运行python脚本.在这种情况下,您可以从ANSI C system函数运行相同的命令,该函数在POSIX上使用sh在Windows上使用cmd. ANSI C是Windows和POSIX通用的少数几个东西之一,在这种情况下,这个问题是有道理的.

this still does not make much sense since windows uses cmd.exe, and POSIX uses sh, so each one could run the commands with a different syntax. So let's say that the most portable thing possible would be to feed the same input to both sh and cmd.exe, running the python script in both cases. In this case, you could run the same command from an ANSI C system function, which uses sh on POSIX and cmd on Windows. ANSI C being one of the few things that is common to Windows and POSIX, the question makes some sense in that case.


接下来,短语turning run.py into an executable不太清楚.当时我正在谈论chmod +x run.py的Linux策略,添加一个shebang #!/usr/bin/env python,并在系统目录〜/long/path/to/PATH环境变量中添加其目录.但这不适用于Windows,因为Windows不支持像Linux这样的可执行文件元数据属性,并且/usr/bin/env在Windows中不一定存在.

Next, the phrase turning run.py into an executable, is not very clear. By that I was talking about the Linux strategy of chmod +x run.py, add a shebang #!/usr/bin/env python, and adding its directory the system add ~/long/path/to/ the PATH enviroment variable. But then this won't work for windows because windows does not support an executable file metadata property like Linux and because /usr/bin/env does not necessarily exist in Windows.



Finally, in my head I was hoping for a solution that does not specify what kind of file run is, so that if someday we decide to make it, say, a perl file, no interfaces would change.


Therefore, writing run.py would be bad because it would specify the filetype; it would be better to be able to write just run



If the directory containing run.py is on the module search path (for example, PYTHONPATH environment variable), you should be able to run it like this:

python -m run


Here is the documentation on the -m command line option:


08-20 06:15