在 JMeter 中,我有一个 CSV 用户列表,每个用户都应该上传一定数量的文件.这些文件在第二个 CSV 中列出.每个用户都必须上传所有文件.由于服务器不能同时处理所有线程,我将线程组设置为使用 X 个用户并循环 Y 次,以便最终所有用户上传所有文件.
In JMeter I have a CSV list of users, and each of these users is supposed to upload an amount of files. The files are listed in a second CSV. Each user must upload all files. Since the server can't handle all threads at once I set the Thread group to use X users and loop Y times, so that in the end all users upload all files.
Test plan
- CSV Data Set Config (contains users) --> Recycle = false, Stop thread on EOF = false
- Thread Group (X users, Y loops)
- - While Controller ( ${__javaScript("${uploadFile}"!="<EOF>")} )
- - - CSV Data Set Config (contains files) --> Recycle = false, Stop thread on EOF = false
- - - HTTP Request (upload file)
对于第一个循环,一切正常:启动了 X 个线程.在每个线程中,文件-CSV 被打开,每个用户上传所有文件.然后第二个线程组循环开始,下一个用户从用户 CSV 中取出,但是当这些线程进入包含文件 CSV 的 while 循环时,它们不会上传任何内容.似乎他们重新使用了第一个循环中的 files-CSV,并将 CSV 视为 EOF 或类似的东西.
For the first loop this all works OK: X threads are started. In each of the threads the files-CSV is opened and each users uploads all files. Then the second Thread-Group-loop starts, the next users are taken from the users-CSV, but when those threads come to the while-loop containing the files-CSV, they don't upload anything. It seems like they re-use the files-CSV from the first loop, and consider the CSV to be EOF or something like that.
例如,3 个线程/用户和 2 个循环的结果如下所示:
As an example, the results with 3 threads/users and 2 loops looks like this:
**first loop**
user 1
upload file 1
upload file 2
upload file 3
user 2
upload file 1
upload file 2
upload file 3
user 3
upload file 1
upload file 2
upload file 3
**second loop**
user 4
user 5
user 6
第二个循环的用户也应该通过文件-CSV 并上传文件.知道我做错了什么吗?提前致谢!!
The users from the second loop should also go through the files-CSV and upload the files. Any idea what I am doing wrong?Thanks in advance!!
looks like we ran into the same problem. I've found the answer. The answer is long so I cannot add it here. But you can find the answerhere
这篇关于JMeter:如何在多个线程组循环中重用/重新打开 CSV?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!