




In JMeter I have a CSV list of users, and each of these users is supposed to upload an amount of files. The files are listed in a second CSV. Each user must upload all files. Since the server can't handle all threads at once I set the Thread group to use X users and loop Y times, so that in the end all users upload all files.

 Test plan
 - CSV Data Set Config (contains users) --> Recycle = false, Stop thread on EOF = false
 - Thread Group (X users, Y loops)
 - - While Controller ( ${__javaScript("${uploadFile}"!="<EOF>")} )
 - - - CSV Data Set Config (contains files) --> Recycle = false, Stop thread on EOF = false
 - - - HTTP Request (upload file)


For the first loop this all works OK: X threads are started. In each of the threads the files-CSV is opened and each users uploads all files. Then the second Thread-Group-loop starts, the next users are taken from the users-CSV, but when those threads come to the while-loop containing the files-CSV, they don't upload anything. It seems like they re-use the files-CSV from the first loop, and consider the CSV to be EOF or something like that.


As an example, the results with 3 threads/users and 2 loops looks like this:

**first loop**
user 1
  upload file 1
  upload file 2
  upload file 3
user 2
  upload file 1
  upload file 2
  upload file 3
user 3
  upload file 1
  upload file 2
  upload file 3
**second loop**
user 4
user 5
user 6


The users from the second loop should also go through the files-CSV and upload the files. Any idea what I am doing wrong?Thanks in advance!!



I couldn't find a simple solution to this. I ended up using beanshell scripts, which let you use code very similar to java to do some custom stuff. I made an example JMeter project to demonstrate how to do this (yes it's ridiculously complicated, considering all I want to do is repeat the CSV read):

  1. 文件:


⊢--JMeterTests.jmx             // the JMeter file
⊢--example.csv                 // the CSV file


guest-id-1,"123 fake street",
guest-id-2,"456 fake street",
guest-id-3,"789 fake street",


so in this thread group, I'm going to just have 1 user, and I'll loop 2 times. I intend to send 1 request per CSV line. So there should be 6 requests sent total.

  1. 线程组
  1. 用户定义的变量


This is kind of optional, but the filepath is subject to change, and I don't like changing my scripts just for a change in configuration. So I store the CSV filename in a "User Defined Variables" node.


If you are storing the CSV file in the same directory as your JMeter test, you can just specify the filename only.


If you are saving the CSV in a folder other than the directory containing your JMeter file, you will need to supply an absolute path, and then slightly modify the beanshell script below: you'll need to comment out the line that loads the file relatively, and comment in the line that loads from an absolute path.

  1. 用于解析和存储CSV行的BeanShell Sampler


Add a Beanshell Sampler which will basically take in a path, and parse & store each line as a variable. The first line will be stored as a variable called csv_line_0, the 2nd line will be csv_line_1 and so on. I know it's not a clean solution but... I can't find any clean simple way of doing this clean simple task. I copied and pasted my code below.

import org.apache.jmeter.services.FileServer;
import java.text.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

String temp = null;

ArrayList lines = new ArrayList();

BufferedReader bufRdr;

ArrayList strList = new ArrayList();

// get the file
try {
    // you can use this line below if your csvFilePath is an absolute path
    // File file = new File(${csvFilePath});

    // you can use this line below if your csvFilepath is a relative path, relative to where you saved this JMeter file
    File file = new File(org.apache.jmeter.services.FileServer.getFileServer().getBaseDir() + "/" + ${csvFilePath});

    if (!file.exists()) {
        throw new Exception ("ERROR: file " + filename + " not found");

    bufRdr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF8"));
} catch(Exception e){
    log.error("failed to load file");

// For each CSV line, save it to a variable
int counter = 0;
        temp = bufRdr.readLine();
        if(temp == null || temp.equals("<EOF>")){
         vars.put("csv_line_" + String.valueOf(counter), temp);

    } catch(Exception e){
        log.error("failed to get next line");

// store the number of CSV lines there are for the loop counter
vars.put("linesCount", String.valueOf(lines.size()));

  1. 循环控制器

添加一个循环控制器,该循环控制器为每个CSV行循环一次. ${linesCount}是CSV行数的计数,由上述beanShell脚本计算得出.

Add a Loop Controller that loops once for each CSV line. ${linesCount} is a count of the number of CSV lines and is calculated from the above beanShell script.

  1. Beanshell脚本可从当前CSV行提取数据


This script will run once per CSV line. It will go and grab the current line, and parse out whatever data is on it. You'll have to modify this script to get the data you want. In my example, I only had 2 columns, where column 1 is a "guestId", and column 2 is an "address".

__jm__loopController__idx是JMeter为您定义的变量,并且是循环控制器的索引.变量名称为__jm__{loop controller name}__idx.

__jm__loopController__idx is a variable JMeter defines for you, and is the index of the loop controller. The variable name is __jm__{loop controller name}__idx.

String index = vars.get("__jm__loopController__idx");
String line = vars.get("csv_line_" + index);
String [] tokens = line.split(",");
vars.put("guestId", tokens[0]);
vars.put("address", tokens[1]);

  1. Http请求采样器


Here's the HTTP request that's using the data extracted.

  1. 结果


When running this, as desired, I end up sending 6 http requests over to the endpoint I defined.


08-20 06:05