int MyWebPage(FILE * resp,const char * page,const char * params,void * uData);
url, params
是任何表单参数(只支持GET,不支持POST,这阻止了文件上传,从而使闪光灯烧坏), uData
是在注册函数时设置的令牌,因此您可以使用相同的函数为多个URL或范围提供不同的数据, resp
是一个宏,参数是一个变量名,第二个是页面URL(允许 *
),第三个是函数指针,最后是 uData
$ b
int HelloWorldPage(FILE * resp,const char *,const char * params,void *)
fprintf(Content-Type:text / html; \\\
fprintf(< html>< head>< title> Hello World!< / title>< / head> \\\
fprintf(< body> \\\
fprintf(< h1> Hello,World!< / h1> \\\
fprintf(< p>您通过:%s< / p> \\\
fprintf(< / body>< / html> \\\
一个函数来逃避HTML魔术字符,我会使用另外几个函数来分割参数,并使一个< ul>
不用说,这对于测试和调试已证明是无价的。 (嵌入式工作的一个问题是,你通常不能折腾一个XTerm用作日志。)所以当最高程序员反讽我的东西不工作(阻力最小的路径,我猜),我可以拉起网页,并显示他发送了我不好的参数。在集成中保存了很多调试时间。
无论如何... 我想知道,作为一个独立的库?我可以链接到,注册我的回调,产生一个线程,让它做魔术吗?还是我需要自行开发?我更喜欢C ++,但也可以使用C库。
它体积小,速度快,有一个简单的C API ,支持多线程,适用于嵌入式系统,支持POST,可选支持SSL / TLS,可根据LGPL或eCos许可证(取决于)提供。我相信这满足你的所有要求。如果你喜欢的话,在C ++中打包是很容易的。
I'm starting up a new embedded system design using FreeRTOS. My last one used eCos, which has a built-in HTTP server that's really lightweight, especially since I didn't have a filesystem. The way it worked, in short, was that every page was a CGI-like C function that got called when needed by the HTTP daemon. Specifically, you would write a function of the form:
int MyWebPage(FILE* resp, const char* page, const char* params, void* uData);
where page
was the page part of the url, params
were any form parameters (only GET was supported, not POST, which prevented file uploads and thus made burning the flash a pain), uData
is a token passed in that was set when you registered the function, so you could have the same function serve multiple URLs or ranges with different data, and resp
is a file handle that you write the HTTP response (headers and all) out to.
Then you registered the function with:
CYG_HTTPD_TABLE_ENTRY(www_myPage, "/", MyWebPage, 0);
is a macro where the first parameter was a variable name, the second was a page URL (the *
wildcard is allowed; hence page
getting passed to MyWebPage()
), third is the function pointer, and last is the uData
So a simple example:
int HelloWorldPage(FILE* resp, const char*, const char* params, void*)
fprintf("Content-Type: text/html;\n\n");
fprintf("<html><head><title>Hello World!</title></head>\n");
fprintf("<h1>Hello, World!</h1>\n");
fprintf("<p>You passed in: %s</p>\n", params);
CYG_HTTPD_TABLE_ENTRY(www_hello, "/", HelloWorldPage, 0);
(Actually, params
would be passed through a function to escape the HTML magic characters, and I'd use another couple functions to split the params and make a <ul>
out of it, but I left that out for clarity.)
The server itself just ran as a task (i.e. thread) and didn't get in the way as long as it had a lower priority than the critical tasks.
Needless to say, having this proved invaluable for testing and debugging. (One problem with embedded work is that you generally can't toss up an XTerm to use as a log.) So when Supreme Programmer reflexively blamed me for something not working (path of least resistance, I guess), I could pull up the web page and show that he had sent me bad parameters. Saved a lot of debug time in integration.
So anyway... I'm wondering, is there something like this available as an independent library? Something that I can link in, register my callbacks, spawn a thread, and let it do the magic? Or do I need to crank out my own? I'd prefer C++, but can probably use a C library as well.
EDIT: Since I'm putting a bounty on it, I need to clarify that the library would need to be under an open-source license.
解决方案 I suggest you have a look at libmicrohttpd, the embedded web server:
It is small and fast, has a simple C API, supports multithreading, is suitable for embedded systems, supports POST, optionally supports SSL/TLS, and is available under either the LGPL or eCos license (depending). I believe this fulfils all your requirements. It would be trivial to wrapper in C++ if you preferred.
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