

基本上我现在的客户端使用新的托管TFS进行版本控制(而不是TFS-Git ,只是标准的TFS),但我已经看到分布式版本控制系统在以前的项目中的光芒,现在不能回去了!





是的,您可以使用Plastic SCM与TFS同步。但到目前为止,您必须依赖命令行。


对于TFS,您需要下载Plastic SCM 4.2(或更高版本),这是实验室版本(但完全稳定),包括新功能。


  $ cm sync / main @ codice @ localhost:8084 tfs http:// tfsserver:8080 / tfs\\DefaultCollection $ / Project --user = tester --pwd = tester 

user参数接受域名(--user =


Has anyone used the PlasticSCM client tools to work against a TFS repository?

Basically my current client is using the new hosted TFS for version control (not TFS-Git, just standard TFS), but I have seen the light of distributed version control systems on previous projects and now can't go back!

Is there a recommended approach to getting a DVCS style experience with a standard TFS backend?

I know I am asking a lot, but I have done some research and there seems to be hints that it maybe possible (to sync PlasticSCM with TFS) all over the PlasticSCM forums, but I have found nothing concrete.

This youtube video looks very promising. With checkins made to Plastic appearing in TFS and vice versa (via a command line sync operation). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJKF3cjg7jA


Yes, you can use Plastic SCM to sync with TFS. But so far you've to rely on the command line.

It is able to keep one branch in sync since keeping more than one gets complicated since TFS doesn't do the same sort of branch and merge tracking that Plastic does. In fact, Plastic can be fully synced with Git http://www.plasticscm.com/gitsync/index.html pushing and pulling branches, merges and concurrent changes, merge tracking and everything.

In the case of TFS you need to download Plastic SCM 4.2 (or higher) which is the "labs version" (but fully stable) that includes the new functionality.

Once you do that, the command is rather simple:

$ cm sync /main@codice@localhost:8084 tfs http://tfsserver:8080/tfs\\DefaultCollection $/Project --user=tester --pwd=tester

The user argument accepts domain names (--user=Domain\username).

Check the following graphic with more details about how it works:


08-20 05:33