


I'm trying to write a custom validator that works on the client side that validates that all checkboxes have been ticked.


[DeclarationsAccepted(ErrorMessage = "You must tick all declarations")]
    public IList<DeclarationQuestion> DeclarationQuestions { get; set; }


public class DeclarationsAccepted : ValidationAttribute, IClientValidatable
    protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)

        var questions = value as IList<DeclarationQuestion>;

        if (questions != null && questions.All(c => c.Answer))
            return ValidationResult.Success;
        return new ValidationResult("You must accepted all declarations to continue");

    public IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)
        var modelClientValidationRule = new ModelClientValidationRule
            ValidationType = "declarationsaccepted",
            ErrorMessage = FormatErrorMessage(metadata.DisplayName)
        yield return modelClientValidationRule;


So far so good, works server side.


For the client I'm wiring this up as follows:

jQuery.validator.addMethod('declarationsaccepted', function (value, element, params) {

        //Implement logic here to check all boxes are ticked

        return false;
    }, '');

    jQuery.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.add('declarationsaccepted', {}, function (options) {
        options.rules['declarationsaccepted'] = true;
        options.messages['declarationsaccepted'] = options.message;


I'm displaying the checkboxes like this:

@{ var questionIndex = 0; }
        @foreach (var question in Model.DeclarationQuestions)

                @Html.CheckBoxFor(model => Model.DeclarationQuestions[questionIndex].Answer, new { id = "DeclarationQuestions" + questionIndex})



And then displaying the validation message using this:

@Html.ValidationMessageFor(c => c.DeclarationQuestions)


When I submit the form the message is displayed but only after a post back to the server. Is there any way to get this to work on the client side?


您不会得到客户端验证的原因是因为HTML辅助生成数据-VAL - * 属性与属性相关联的控制。 jquery.validate.unobtrusive 读取当表单分析和使用规则的属性,显示通过生成相应的元素的错误消息ValidationMessageFor()与对照(有关它通过匹配了 ID做到这一点元素的属性 - 在跨度产生与<$ C $错误信息C>&LT;跨度=TheIdOfTheAssociatedControl......方式&gt; )

The reason you will not get client side validation is because the html helpers generate data-val-* attributes for controls associated with properties. jquery.validate.unobtrusive reads those attributes when the form is parsed and using rules, displays an error message in the appropriate element generated by ValidationMessageFor() associated with that control (it does this by matching up the id attributes of the elements - the error message is generated in a span with <span for="TheIdOfTheAssociatedControl" ...>).

您不(广东话)产生财产 DeclarationQuestions (仅适用于每个项目的性质 DeclarationQuestions 所以没有什么可以匹配。

You don't (and cant) generate a control for property DeclarationQuestions (only for properties of each item in DeclarationQuestions so there is nothing that can be matched up.

您可以通过包括自己的错误消息占位符和拦截 .submit 事件处理此

You could handle this by including your own error message placeholder and intercepting the .submit event


html (add css to style #conditions-error as display:none;)

<span id="delarations-error" class="field-validation-error">
  <span>You must accept all declarations to continue.</span>


var declarationsError = $('#delarations-error');
$('form').submit(function() {
  var isValid = $('.yourCheckBoxClass').not(':checked') == 0;
  if(!isValid) {
    declarationsError.show(); // display error message
    return false; // prevent submit

$('.yourCheckBoxClass').change(function() {
  if($(this).is(':checked')) {
    declarationsError.hide(); // hide error message


Side note: You loop for generating the checkboxes should be

for (int i = 0; i < Model.DeclarationQuestions.Count; i++)
  @Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.DeclarationQuestions[i].Answer, new { id = "DeclarationQuestions" + i})


08-20 05:26