本文介绍了Google Cloud SDK Python客户端:如何在Cloud Storage存储桶中列出文件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


尝试使用Python来获取和遍历我拥有的Cloud Storage存储桶中的所有文件.我正在使用官方库 google-cloud-storage .

Trying to use Python to get and iterate through all of the files inside of a Cloud Storage bucket I own. I'm using the official library, google-cloud-storage.

使用 gsutil ,我可以运行 gsutil ls gs://my-composer-bucket/dags/composer_utils/之类的命令. google-cloud-storage 库是否提供与 gsutil ls 等效的方法?我想使用Python客户端,而不是使用 gsutil (不想在Docker映像中安装和验证GCloud SDK).

Using gsutil, I can run commands like gsutil ls gs://my-composer-bucket/dags/composer_utils/. Does the google-cloud-storage library offer an equivalent method to gsutil ls? I'd like to use the Python client rather than shell out to gsutil (don't want to install and authenticate the GCloud SDK inside of a Docker image).


I've tried a few different things which have left me confused on how blobs work:

>>> dag_folder_blob = cloud_composer_bucket.blob(bucket, 'dags/')
>>> dag_folder_blob.exists()
>>> util_folder_blob = cloud_composer_bucket.blob(bucket, 'dags/composer_utils/')  # directory exists
>>> util_folder_blob.exists()
>>> util_file_blob = cloud_composer-bucket.blob(bucket, 'dags/composer_utils/__init__.py')
>>> util_file_blob.exists()


您将要使用 list_blobs 方法.了解有关列出云存储中对象的更多信息.

You will want to use the list_blobs method of a Bucket object. Read more about listing objects in Cloud Storage.

这篇关于Google Cloud SDK Python客户端:如何在Cloud Storage存储桶中列出文件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 05:12