本文介绍了客户端登录后,在服务器端对G +用户进行身份验证的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm trying to set up a Sign in with Google button that will allow people to purchase things on my website.


Client-side authentication looks pretty straightforward, but I'm struggling to understand how the server-side authentication works. In the example code they pass the client-side "code" parameter to the server, where it can be traded in for an access token, which can then be used to see the list of the user's friends.


But I don't want to see the list of the user's friends. I just want to be certain that the client is actually who they claim to be.

在检索令牌之后,示例代码将令牌放入会话中,并且似乎使用令牌的存在来验证用户是否已通过身份验证.那是正确/安全吗?我的服务器是否应该在进行购买时以某种方式(如何?)重新验证令牌?我是否应该在每次请求时不断与Google一起重新验证令牌? (希望不是吗?)

After retrieving the token, the sample code puts the token in the session, and seems to use the presence of the token to verify that the user is authenticated. Is that correct/safe? Should(n't) my server re-verify the token somehow (how?) when it's time to do a purchase? Should I constantly re-verify the token with Google on every request? (Hopefully not?)



What you might want to do before performing a purchase is to verify the user is who you expect them to be by securely passing the user id from the client to your server and verifying it against the user id for the stored credentials. This offers additional protection against replay attacks where an attacker is pretending to be your site's user by hijacking their session and is the most relevant check to make before accepting payment from the user.

我不会仅仅依靠用户验证来防止欺诈.您应该使用安全的付款系统,例如 Google Commerce平台,并遵循最佳商业惯例.

I would not rely on user validation alone as a mechanism for protection against fraud. You should use a secure payment system such as the Google Commerce platform and follow the best practices for commerce.

提醒一下,每次初始化缓存的凭据时,都应使用OAuth2 v2端点检查您的令牌.检查每个请求似乎有点多余,因为您应该使用已经过验证并存储在服务器端的缓存凭据.最多可以在更新访问令牌时执行检查,但是如果您信任刷新令牌,那么在创建帐户并设置刷新令牌时执行检查应该足够安全.

As a reminder, the OAuth2 v2 endpoint should be used to check your token every time the cached credentials are initialized. Checking on every request seems a bit excessive because you should be using cached credentials that have already been validated and stored server-side. At most, you could perform the checks when you update an access token but if you trust your refresh token, you should be sufficiently safe if you perform the checks when you create the account and set that refresh token.


The following steps are taken in addition to the user id validation upon account creation:

如您在链接文章中所述, Google+快速入门中的示例代码应充分展示如何执行这些检查以多种编程语言进行帐户授权.

As mentioned in your linked post, the sample code in the Google+ quickstarts should sufficiently demonstrate how to perform these checks in a variety of programming languages for account authorization.

在HTML/JS客户端中,以下代码显示在何处检索userId(值,而不是特殊字符串"me"),以传递给connect方法以验证Google+ userId:

Within the HTML/JS client, the following code shows where the userId (value, as opposed to the special string "me") is retrieved for passing to the connect method to verify the Google+ userId:

  var request = gapi.client.plus.people.get( {'userId' : 'me'} );
  request.execute( function(profile) {
      if (profile.error) {
          $('<p><img src=\"' + profile.image.url + '\"></p>'));
          $('<p>Hello ' + profile.displayName + '!<br />Tagline: ' +
          profile.tagline + '<br />About: ' + profile.aboutMe + '</p>'));
      if (profile.cover && profile.coverPhoto) {
            $('<p><img src=\"' + profile.cover.coverPhoto.url + '\"></p>'));

...,下面的代码显示了正在传递的Google+ ID.

... and the following code shows the Google+ id being passed.

connectServer: function(gplusId) {
    type: 'POST',
    url: window.location.href + '/connect?state={{ STATE }}&gplus_id=' +
    contentType: 'application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8',
    success: function(result) {
    processData: false,
    data: this.authResult.code


The relevant code performing these checks in the Java sample is as follows:

      // Check that the token is valid.
      Oauth2 oauth2 = new Oauth2.Builder(
          TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, credential).build();
      Tokeninfo tokenInfo = oauth2.tokeninfo()
      // If there was an error in the token info, abort.
      if (tokenInfo.containsKey("error")) {
        return GSON.toJson(tokenInfo.get("error").toString());
      // Make sure the token we got is for the intended user.
      if (!tokenInfo.getUserId().equals(gPlusId)) {
        return GSON.toJson("Token's user ID doesn't match given user ID.");
      // Make sure the token we got is for our app.
      if (!tokenInfo.getIssuedTo().equals(CLIENT_ID)) {
        return GSON.toJson("Token's client ID does not match app's.");
      // Store the token in the session for later use.
      request.session().attribute("token", tokenResponse.toString());
      return GSON.toJson("Successfully connected user.");
    } catch (TokenResponseException e) {
      return GSON.toJson("Failed to upgrade the authorization code.");
    } catch (IOException e) {
      return GSON.toJson("Failed to read token data from Google. " +

在示例中,ClientID来自Google API控制台,对于您的应用程序而言是唯一的.

In the samples, the ClientID came from the Google API console and will be distinct for your application.

这篇关于客户端登录后,在服务器端对G +用户进行身份验证的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 05:11