



我正在尝试根据特定格式读取包含数据的文本文件.我正在使用textscan和一个包含格式的字符串来读取一条代码行中的整个数据集.我已经找到了如何使用fgetl读取整行的内容,但是我想使用尽可能少的代码行.所以我想避免自己的for循环. textscan似乎很棒.

I am trying to read a text file with data according to a specific format. I am using and textscan together with a string containing the format to read the whole data set in one code line. I've found how to read the whole line with fgetl, but I would like to use as few code lines as possible. So I want to avoid own for loops. textscan seems great for that.


As an example I'll include a part of my code which reads five strings representing a modified dataset, its heritage (name of old dataset), the date and time of the modification and lastly any comment.

fileID = fopen(filePath,'r+');
readContentFormat = '%s = %s | %s %s | %s';
content = textscan(fileID, readContentFormat, 'CollectOutput,1);


This works for the time being if the comment doesn't have any delimiters (like a white space) in it. However, I would like to be able to write comments at the end of the line.


Is there a way to use textscan and let it know that I want to read the rest of a line as one string/character array (including any white spaces)? I am hoping for something to put in my variable readContentFormat, instead of that last %s. Or is there another method which does not involve looping through each row in the file?




One way that is satisfactory to me (but please share any other methods anyway!) is to set the delimiters to characters other than white space, and trim away any leading or trailing white spaces with strtrim. This seemed to work well, but I have no idea how demanding the computations are.


The text file 'testFile.txt' in the current folder has the following lines

    File        |Heritage       |Date and time         |Comment
      file1.mat |  oldFile1.mat |  2018-03-01 14:26:00 |  -
      file2.mat |  oldFile2.mat |  2018-03-01 13:26:00 |  -
      file3.mat |  oldFile3.mat |  2018-03-01 12:26:00 |  Time for lunch!


The following code will read the data and put it into a cell array without leading or trailing white spaces, with few lines of code. Neat!

function contentArray = myfun()
   fileID = fopen(testFile.txt,'r');
   content = textscan(fileID, '%s%s%s%s','Delimiter', {'|'},'CollectOutput', 1);
   contentArray =  strtrim(content{1}(2:4,:));


tmpArr =

  3×4 cell array

    'file1.mat'    'oldFile1.mat'    '2018-03-01 14:26:00'    '-'
    'file2.mat'    'oldFile2.mat'    '2018-03-01 13:26:00'    '-'
    'file3.mat'    'oldFile3.mat'    '2018-03-01 12:26:00'    'Time for lunch!'


08-20 05:04