




I bumped into a situation I've never had to address before. I have a customer who needs to make an ajax request to a URL. For internal reasons, that URL redirects to another URL whose status code needs to be accessed. Is this kind of multi-request scenario handled natively by Ajax requests?


A quick test using jQuery seems to handle the 302, do the redirection and return the content of the targeted page (I'll only need the status code in production, but the content is what "proves" the correct page is being accessed), but I can't find any indication that I can expect this to work universally. I don't know what, if any, library the client will use. Moreover, other clients are likely to use this same URL in the future and it needs to be handled the same way.



您的可以的期望这普遍的工作,因为它不是jQuery的做处理。这是指定的所有的库使用AJAX调用底层 XmlHt prequest 浏览器对象的行为。

You can expect this to work universally, since it's not jQuery doing the handling. This is specified behavior of the underlying XmlHtpRequest browser object that all libraries use for AJAX calls.


如果在的产地:// WWW。 w3.org/TR/XMLHtt$p$pquest/#url">URL 的传达的位置标头的与 XMLHtt prequest 起源并重定向不违反无限循环precautions,透明地遵循重定向同时观察的的。

我一直强调最相关的位位置,只要它不违反同源策略规则(它不应该在你的同一个域),则XmlHtt prequest将获得最后一个页面就被重定向到的内容。换句话说,这是你看到用jQuery现在的行为...它只是不jQuery的做这件事。

I've emphasized the most relevant bit here, as long as it doesn't violate same-origin policy rules (it shouldn't on your same domain), the XmlHttpRequest will get the content of final page it gets redirected to. In other words, it's the behavior you're seeing with jQuery now...it's just not jQuery doing it.


08-20 04:49