本文介绍了如何在 Python 中模拟具有嵌套属性的对象?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



class Foo:
    def is_room_member(invitee, msg):
        return invitee in msg.frm.room.occupants

我想测试方法 is_room_member 其中 invitee 是一个字符串并且occupants 是一个字符串列表.

I want to test the method is_room_member where invitee is a string andoccupants is a list of string.

如果 invitee = 'batman'occupants = ['batman', 'superman'] 方法 is_room_member 返回 True.

If invitee = 'batman' and occupants = ['batman', 'superman'] the method is_room_member returns True.

msg 是需要模拟的对象,以便我可以测试此方法.

msg is the object which needs to be mocked so that I can test this method.

如何测试这个方法,因为它需要这个具有嵌套属性的 msg 对象?

How can I test this method, since it'll require this msg object which has nested attributes?


class Testing(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_is_room_member(self):
        occupants = ['batman', 'superman']
        # mocking
        # msg = MagicMock()
        # msg.frm.room.occupants = occupants
        self.assertTrue(Foo.is_room_member('batman', msg))



import unittest
import mock

class Foo:
    def is_room_member(invitee, msg):
        return invitee in msg.frm.room.occupants

class Testing(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_is_room_member(self):
        occupants = ['batman', 'superman']

        # mocking
        mocked_msg = mock.MagicMock()
        mocked_msg.frm.room.occupants = occupants

        self.assertTrue(Foo.is_room_member('batman', mocked_msg))

if __name__ == '__main__':

这篇关于如何在 Python 中模拟具有嵌套属性的对象?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 04:43