



最近,我开始编程 C 只是为了好玩。我在一个非常熟练的程序员 C#.NET 的Java 台式机领域内,但这是谈到了有点太挑战我。

I recently started programming C just for fun. I'm a very skilled programmer in C# .NET and Java within the desktop realm, but this is turning out to be a bit too much of a challenge for me.


I am trying to do something as "simple" as returning a two-dimensional array from a function. I've tried researching on the web for this, but it was hard for me to find something that worked.

下面是我到目前为止所。它并不完全返回数组,它只是填充之一。但即使这样,不会编译(我相信的理由必须是显而易见的给你,如果你是一个熟练的 C 程序员)。

Here's what I have so far. It doesn't quite return the array, it just populates one. But even that won't compile (I am sure the reasons must be obvious to you, if you're a skilled C programmer).

void new_array (int x[n][n]) {
  int i,o;

  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      for (o=0; o<n; o++) {
        x[i][o]=(rand() % n)-n/2;

  return x;


int x[n][n];

我是什么做错了吗?应该指出的是, N 是具有价值恒定 3


Edit: Here's a compiler error when trying to define the constant: http://i.imgur.com/sa4JkXs.png



C does not treat arrays like most languages; you'll need to understand the following concepts if you want to work with arrays in C.

除非它是的sizeof 或一元&放大器的操作; 运营商,或者是一个字符串字面存在用于初始化另一个数组在声明中,前$ p $型 T N个元素的数组的pssion 的将被转换(衰变),以类型的前pression指针 T ,和前pression的价值将是第一个元素的地址的阵列。这个结果是不是左值;它不能是赋值的目标,也可以是一个操作数的 ++ - 运营商。

Except when it is the operand of the sizeof or unary & operator, or is a string literal being used to initialize another array in a declaration, an expression of type "N-element array of T" will be converted ("decay") to an expression of type "pointer to T", and the value of the expression will be the address of the first element of the array. This result is not an lvalue; it cannot be the target of an assignment, nor can it be an operand to the ++ or -- operators.


This is why you can't define a function to return an array type; the array expression will be converted to a pointer type as part of the return statement, and besides, there's no way to assign the result to another array expression anyway.

信不信由你,有这个坚实的技术原因;当他最初开发C,丹尼斯里奇借了很多概念,从B编程语言。 B为一个无类型的语言;一切都被存储为一个无符号字,或单元。存储器被视为单元的一个线性阵列。当你宣布一个数组作为

Believe it or not, there's a solid technical reason for this; when he was initially developing C, Dennis Ritchie borrowed a lot of concepts from the B programming language. B was a "typeless" language; everything was stored as an unsigned word, or "cell". Memory was seen as a linear array of "cells". When you declared an array as

auto arr[N];

B。将预留N细胞为数组的内容,与(绑定到改编额外的电池来存储偏移的第一个元素基本上是一个指针一起,但没有任何类型的语义)。数组访问被定义为 *(ARR + I);您偏移从保存在地址 I 细胞并取消引用的结果。这对C很好工作,直到里奇开始增加结构类型的语言。他希望该结构的内容,不仅描述抽象的数据,但在物理上重新present位。他用的例子是像

B would set aside N "cells" for the array contents, along with an additional cell bound to arr to store the offset to the first element (basically a pointer, but without any type semantics). Array accesses were defined as *(arr+i); you offset i cells from the address stored in a and dereferenced the result. This worked great for C, until Ritchie started adding struct types to the language. He wanted the contents of the struct to not only describe the data in abstract terms, but to physically represent the bits. The example he used was something like

struct {
  int node;
  char name[14];


He wanted to set aside 2 bytes for the node, immediately followed by 14 bytes for the name element. And he wanted an array of such structures to be laid out such that you had 2 bytes followed by 14 bytes followed by 2 bytes followed by 14 bytes, etc. He couldn't figure out a good way to deal with the array pointer, so he got rid of it entirely. Rather than setting aside storage for the pointer, C simply calculates it from the array expression itself. This is why you can't assign anything to an array expression; there's nothing to assign the value to.


So, how do you return a 2D array from a function?


You don't. You can return a pointer to a 2D array, such as:

T (*func1(int rows))[N]
  T (*ap)[N] = malloc( sizeof *ap * rows );
  return ap;

这样做的缺点的方法是, N 必须在编译时是已知的。

The downside to this approach is that N must be known at compile time.


If you're using a C99 compiler or a C2011 compiler that supports variable-length arrays, you could do something like the following:

void func2( size_t rows, size_t cols, int (**app)[cols] )
  *app = malloc( sizeof **app * rows );
  (*app)[i][j] = ...;                   // the parens are necessary


If you don't have variable-length arrays available, then at least the column dimension must be a compile-time constant:

#define COLS ...
void func3( size_t rows, int (**app)[COLS] )
  *app = malloc( sizeof **app * rows );
  (*app)[i][j] = ...;


You can allocate memory piecemeal into something that acts like a 2D array, but the rows won't necessarily be contiguous:

int **func4( size_t rows, size_t cols )
  int **p = malloc( sizeof *p * rows );
  if ( p )
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
      p[i] = malloc( sizeof *p[i] * cols );
  return p;

P 是的的数组;它道出了一连串的指针,以 INT 。对于所有的实际目的,你可以使用这个,就好像是一个二维数组:

p is not an array; it points to a series of pointers to int. For all practical purposes, you can use this as though it were a 2D array:

 int **arr = foo( rows, cols );
 arr[i][j] = ...;
 printf( "value = %d\n", arr[k][l] );


Note that C doesn't have any garbage collection; you're responsible for cleaning up your own messes. In the first three cases, it's simple:

int (*arr1)[N] = func(rows);
// use arr[i][j];
free( arr1 );

int (*arr2)[cols];
func2( rows, cols, &arr2 );
free( arr2 );

int (*arr3)[N];
func3( rows, &arr3 );
free( arr3 );


In the last case, since you did a two-step allocation, you need to do a two-step deallocation:

int **arr4 = func4( rows, cols );
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
  free( arr4[i] )
free( arr4)


08-20 04:21