


I have user type the color (e.g. White, Red,...) so how can I get value of R, G, B with the color of user gave?

我有一个函数(float r,float g,float b)来设置一个节点的颜色。所以我让用户输入他们想要的颜色名称,然后我想转换该颜色名称为我的函数获取r,g,b值。

I have a function (float r, float g, float b) to set color a node. So i let the user type the color name they want, then i want to convert that color name to get r, g, b value for my function.


颜色定义了表示基本颜色的枚举数有限。 使用反射从其名称映射到RGB表示形式。

Color defines a limited number of enums representing basic colours. This code excerpt uses reflection to map from their names to the RGB representations.

除此之外,您还需要维护一个颜色/ RGB值的地图,或者一组系统属性,并使用。

Other than that you'll have to maintain a map of colors/RGB values, or possibly a set of system properties, and use Color.getColor(String name).


08-20 04:11