




在Excel中,我们可以存储在细胞中的公式。例如,如果 A2 包含公式 = A1 + 10 的再评价A2 收益 30 A1 的值为 20



所以我的问题是,是否有允许在Matlab以下机制? (请注意,下面的语法是只是象征)

 >> B = [1 2; B {1,1} +2 4] //存储阵列中的一些价值观和一个公式B =     1 2
     3 4>> B {1,1} = 10 //改变一个单元格的值B =     10 2
     3 4>> EVAL(B)//有一个重新评估命令重新计算所有单元格ANS =     10 2
     13 4




 公式= {@(x)x + 10,@sin,@cos,@(X)X / 3};

语法 @ 表示一个函数句柄和(X)表示,这是一个匿名函数与输入变量 X 。第一个单元格元素提供了功能,增加了10到每一个进入它的价值,第二个和第三个参数是句柄 COS ,所以这些行为就像那些三角函数。最后把手把每一个由3进入它的价值。


 >>公式= {@(x)x + 10,@sin,@cos,@(X)X / 3};
>> A = [1 2; 3 4]A =     1 2
     3 4>>公式{1}(A)ANS =    11 12
    13 14>>公式{2}(A)ANS =    0.8415 0.9093
    0.1411 -0.7568>>公式{3}(A)ANS =    0.5403 -0.4161
   -0.9900 -0.6536>>公式{4}(A)ANS =    0.3333 0.6667
    1.0000 1.3333

我们首先创建的公式,然后创建小的2×2矩阵[1 2; 3 4] 。之后,我们访问每个公式的单元格,然后把输入 A 进入功能,我们可以得到你所看到的。


(* I don't know programming in Matlab. It is just a general question about Matlab language. *)

In Excel, we can store a formula in a cell. For instance, if A2 contains a formula = A1+10, the re-evaluation of A2 returns 30 when the value of A1 is 20.

My question is, is there a similar mechanism in matlab? That said, can we specify a formula in a element of an array in Matlab, so that we can re-evaluate the array later?

Edit 1:Following the comment of @rayryeng I try to make an example to illustrate the concept... Actually, this is exactly what spreadsheet languages such as Excel can do.

So my question is, is there a mechanism that permits the following in Matlab? (Note that the following syntax is just symbolic)

>> B = [1 2; B{1,1}+2 4] // store some values and a formula in the array

B =

     1     2
     3     4

>> B{1,1} = 10 // change the value of one cell

B =

     10     2
     3      4

>> EVAL(B) // there is a re-evaluation command to re-calculate all the cells

ans =

     10     2
     13     4

Hopefully I'm understanding what you want correctly, but the answer is indeed yes. You can store "formulas" in a cell array where each element is a handle or an anonymous function.

Perhaps you mean something like this:

formulae = {@(x) x+10, @sin, @cos, @(x) x / 3};

The syntax @ denotes a function handle and the (x) denote that this is an anonymous function with the input variable x. The first cell element provides a function that adds 10 to every value that goes into it, the second and third parameters are handles to sin and cos, so these act like those trigonometric functions. The last handle divides every value that goes into it by 3.

To demonstrate, let's create a small array, then go through each formula and apply each of them to the small array:

>> formulae = {@(x) x+10, @sin, @cos, @(x) x / 3};
>> A = [1 2; 3 4]

A =

     1     2
     3     4

>> formulae{1}(A)

ans =

    11    12
    13    14

>> formulae{2}(A)

ans =

    0.8415    0.9093
    0.1411   -0.7568

>> formulae{3}(A)

ans =

    0.5403   -0.4161
   -0.9900   -0.6536

>> formulae{4}(A)

ans =

    0.3333    0.6667
    1.0000    1.3333

We first create the formulae, then create a small 2 x 2 matrix of [1 2; 3 4]. After, we access each formula's cell, then put in the input A into the function and we get what you see.

However, when you're starting out, start with actually declaring functions in function scripts.... don't use this kind of style of programming for practical applications. It makes your code less readable. For example, doing sin(A) is much more readable than formula{2}(A). People reading your code have to remember what position in the array corresponds to what formula you are applying to each element in the input.


08-20 03:58