My question is related to how the JS engines implement the pattern of asynchronous events when we do something like bind event handlers on a dom for lets say a click event.?
Do they have something like a separate thread that is listening to all the click events ? When an event does occur , do they refer the bind list and bubble up the events ?
Similar is with Ajax,the asynchronous network call, where the browser spans a new thread that would start listening to the data from the server and when the response is received, it would call the success handler?
读取关于javascript事件的排队,看看是否回答你的大部分问题。将有一个本机OS线程处理与实际OS事件(鼠标事件,键盘事件,定时器事件,网络I / O事件等)的接口,然后将它们馈送到JS引擎可以进一步扩展的JS队列中将它们发送到Javascript代码。在OS级别有多少个独立的线程是实现具体的,可能会随实施而变化。
Read this post about the javascript event queue and see if it answers most of your question. There will be a native OS thread that handles interfacing with actual OS events (mouse events, keyboard events, timer events, network I/O events, etc...) and those are then fed into the JS queue where the JS engine can further dispatch them to Javascript code. How many separate threads there are at the OS level is implementation specific and likely does vary with the implementation.