





+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ br $>
+ Layer n +

+++++++++++++++++++++++ />
例如图层n + 1定义以下示例(简单;)框架(框架)

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ destinationAddress |控制|有效载荷+

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ br />
* 8位destinationAddress字段,

* 8位控制字段和


首先:实现应该是ANSI C.


struct FRAME {

unsigned char sourceAddress;

unsigned char destinationAddress;

unsigned char控件;

void * payload



struct FRAME {

unsigned char sourceAddress;

unsigned char destinationAddress;

unsigned char control ;



下一个问题,也涉及实现框架的实现,如下:如何在两个层之间建立一个良好的接口,例如:层n + 1和层n。框架应该如何传递到下一个较低/较高层?我想到了以下内容(但我不确定这是不是一个好方法......):

struct DATA {

unsigned int bufferSize; / *缓冲区的大小,即标题和有效负载(可以是变量)* /

void * buffer; / *包含完整的框架* /


/ *发送函数* /

int sendDataDownToLowerLayer(struct DATA * a);

int sendDataUpToHigherLayer( struct DATA * a);

/ *接收函数* /

int receiveDataFromLowerLayer(struct DATA * a);

int receiveDataFromHigherLayer(struct DATA * a);




Hi all,

I have a question concerning the implementation of an interface between two layers of a network stack (see extract of the subsequent stack). Furthermore I am thankful for some hints how to implement frames in C.

Stack and Frames:
+ Layer n+1 +
+ Layer n +

E.g. Layer n+1 defines the following sample (simple;) frame (FRAME)

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++
+ sourceAddress | destinationAddress | control | payload +
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++

with the following conditions:
* 8 bit sourceAddress field,
* 8 bit destinationAddress field,
* 8 bit control field and
* a payload field with variable length

First of all: the implementation should be in ANSI C.
How is it a good way to implement the frame? Should I implement it using C-structures, e.g.:

struct FRAME {
unsigned char sourceAddress;
unsigned char destinationAddress;
unsigned char control;
void *payload

or maybe like this:

struct FRAME {
unsigned char sourceAddress;
unsigned char destinationAddress;
unsigned char control;

Is it a good idea to take the payload (pointer) also to the struct? Are there better ways to implement it? Any idea is welcome!
The next problem, which also concerns the realization of the implementation of a frame, is as follows: How to make a good interface between two layers, e.g. layer n+1 and layer n. How should a frame be passed to next lower/higher layer? I thought about the following (but I am not sure if it is a good way...):

struct DATA {
unsigned int bufferSize; /* size of the buffer, i.e. header and payload (which could be variable) */
void *buffer; /* contains the complete frame */

/* send functions */
int sendDataDownToLowerLayer(struct DATA *a);
int sendDataUpToHigherLayer(struct DATA *a);

/* receive functions */
int receiveDataFromLowerLayer(struct DATA *a);
int receiveDataFromHigherLayer(struct DATA *a);

What do you think about this approach? I never implemented a network stack so I don′t have any experience... If you have any idea, hints, ... just let me know!!!

Thank you in advance,


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08-20 03:42