

本文介绍了如何更新堆中的元素? (优先级队列)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



When using a min/max-heap algorithm, priorities may change. One way to handle this is to removal and insert the element to update the queue order.


For priority queues implemented using arrays, this can be a performance bottleneck that seems avoidable, especially for cases when the change to priority is small.


Even if this is not a standard operation for a priority queue, this is a custom implementation which can be modified for my needs.


Are there well known best-practice methods for updating elements in the min/max-heap?






Typical Solution

The usual solution is to mark an element as invalid and insert a new element, then eliminate the invalid entries as they are popped-off.

如果该方法不能满足要求,只要更改值的位置,就可以恢复O(log n)步骤中的最小堆不变量。回想起

If that approach doesn't suffice, it is possible restore the min-heap invariant in O(log n) steps as long as the location of the value being changed is known.

回想一下,最小堆是使用 siftup和 siftdown两个原语构建和维护的(尽管有多种消息来源对哪个上升和下降有不同的看法。其中一种将价值推向树下,另一种将价值推向树上。

Recall that min-heaps are built and maintained using two primitives, "siftup" and "siftdown" (though various sources have differing opinions on which is up and which is down). One of those pushes values down the tree and the other floats them upward.

如果新值 x1 大于旧值 x0 ,则仅需修复 x 下的树,因为 parent(x)< = x0< x1 。通过将 x 交换为两个子节点中较小的一个,而 x 大于一个子节点中的一个 x 向下推到树上

If the new value x1 is greater than the old value x0, then only the tree under x needs to be fixed because parent(x) <= x0 < x1. Just push x down the tree by swapping x with the smaller of its two children while x is bigger than one of its children.

如果新值 x1 小于旧值 x x 下面的树不需要调整,因为 x1< x0< = any_child(x)。相反,我们只需要向上移动,将 x 与其父级交换,而 x 小于其父级。不需要考虑同级节点,因为它们已经大于或等于可能会被较低值替换的父级。

If the new value x1 is less than the old value x, the tree below x needs no adjustment because x1 < x0 <= either_child(x). Instead, we just need to move upward, swapping x with its parent while x is less than its parent. Sibling nodes need not be considered because they are already greater than or equal to a parent which will potentially be replaced with a lower value.


No work is necessary. The existing invariants are unchanged.


Test 1,000,000 trials: Create a random heap. Alter a randomly selected value. Restore the heap condition. Verify that the result is a min-heap.

from heapq import _siftup, _siftdown, heapify
from random import random, randrange, choice

def is_minheap(arr):
    return all(arr[i] >= arr[(i-1)//2] for i in range(1, len(arr)))

n = 40
trials = 1_000_000
for _ in range(trials):

    # Create a random heap
    data = [random() for i in range(n)]

    # Randomly alter a heap element
    i = randrange(n)
    x0 = data[i]
    x1 = data[i] = choice(data)

    # Restore the heap
    if x1 > x0:                 # value is increased
        _siftup(data, i)
    elif x1 < x0:               # value is decreased
        _siftdown(data, 0, i)

    # Verify the results
    assert is_minheap(data), direction

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08-20 03:42