




Given a set of distinct points in 2D space, and a rectangle (coordinates of all four points, sides parallel with xy axis) how can I quickly find which points are inside the rectangle?


I'm not interested in the basic solution of going through all points and seeing which one is inside the rectangle. What I'm looking for is an algorithm which will give me fast query times per rectangle.


I don't care how much time I spend in the preprocessing step. What I do care is that after I process my data I obtain a useful structure which gives me fast query times per rectangle.


I know for example I can count how many points I have inside a rectangle in O(logN). That works because I do a lot of heavy processing in the beginning and then query the processed data with a new rectangle every time and get a new count in logN time. I'm looking for a similar algorithm for finding the actual points not just their count.



A classical answer is the kD-tree (2D-tree in this case).


For a simple alternative, if your points are spread uniformly enough, you can try by gridding.


Choose a cell size for a square grid (if the problem is anisotropic, use a rectangular grid). Assign every point to the grid cell that contains it, stored in a linked list. When you perform a query, find all cells that are overlapped by the rectangle and scan them to traverse their lists. For the partially covered cells, you will need to perform the point-in-rectangle test.


The choice of the size is important: too large can result in too many points needing to be tested anyway; too small can result in too many empty cells.


08-20 03:12