


I have the following struct, from the NRPE daemon code in C:

typedef struct packet_struct {
  int16_t packet_version;
  int16_t packet_type;
  uint32_t crc32_value;
  int16_t result_code;
  char buffer[1024];
} packet;

我想将此数据格式从Python发送到C守护程序。当 crc32_value 0 时计算CRC,然后将其放入结构中。我的Python代码执行以下操作:

I want to send this data format to the C daemon from Python. The CRC is calculated when crc32_value is 0, then it is put into the struct. My Python code to do this is as follows:

cmd = '_NRPE_CHECK'
pkt = struct.pack('hhIh1024s', 2, 1, 0, 0, cmd)
# pkt has length of 1034, as it should
checksum = zlib.crc32(pkt) & 0xFFFFFFFF
pkt = struct.pack('hhIh1024s', 2, 1, checksum, 0, cmd)

守护程序正在接收以下值: version = 2 type = 1 crc = FE4BBC49 result = 0

The daemon is receiving these values: version=2 type=1 crc=FE4BBC49 result=0

但它正在计算 crc = 3731C3FD


The actual C code to compute the CRC is:


calculate_crc32((char *)packet,sizeof(packet));

当我将这两个函数移植到Python时,得到的结果与 zlib.crc32 返回的值相同。

When I ported those two functions to Python, I get the same as what zlib.crc32 returns.

我的 struct.pack 调用正确吗?为什么我的CRC计算与服务器的计算不同?

Is my struct.pack call correct? Why is my CRC computation differing from the server's?




Use '!' as the first format character to make the packed structure platform-independent. It forces big-endian, standard type sizes, and no pad bytes. Then the CRCs should be consistent.


08-20 03:08