



笑话"问题Joel在 podcast#58 期间问过 a>让我都怀念Logo,这是继Basic之后我编程的第二种语言,这就是为什么我在大学里从来没有遇到过递归问题的原因.

The "joke" question Joel asked during podcast #58 made me all nostalgic for Logo, which was the second language I ever programmed in, after Basic, and which is why I never had any trouble with recursion in college.


Are there any implementations of Logo for Windows or Linux (the platforms I can use) or Mac (because I know I'm not alone in this world)? How can I get the Logo programming language for my computer?


我正在Windows上使用 Elica LOGO . (孩子的年龄目前为12岁和10岁.)

I'm teaching my kids LOGO successfully on Windows using Elica LOGO. (Kids ages are presently 12 and 10.)

除了基本的二维乌龟以外,该软件包的优势还包括许多高级"扩展.这些功能包括3-D图形和进入Windows小部件世界的简单钩子. (您可以在LOGO代码中使用按钮等创建Windows表单.)

The package's strengths include many "advanced" extensions, beyond the basic 2-dimensional turtle. These include 3-D graphics and simple hooks into the Windows widget world. (You can create Windows forms with buttons, etc., from within your LOGO code.)

至少在5.5版中缺少声音/音乐功能,并且内置的文档非常丰富,有许多高级示例,但是我认为它不是很有用-由于它不完整,并且有很多编码示例包含错误. (但是我的孩子通过发现编程示例中的错误来学到更多.)

Lacks sound/music capability, at least in version 5.5, and the built-in documentation is extensive, with many advanced examples, but it's not very useful in my opinion--due to its incompleteness, and its having many coding examples that contain errors. (But my kids learn more by finding the errors in the programing samples.)


08-20 03:00