





I'm using redux-saga-firebase and to listen for changes in Firestore and I want to pass in a variable from my redux store to my watcher function. I'm new to redux so I'm having some trouble. I think I should use a selector but I'm not 100% how to do so. I'm also open any other solutions!


Watcher Saga

Watcher Saga

export function* watchSquadChannel() {
  const userData = "345fgr45gdgdfdfe";
  try {
    yield put(syncSquadLoading());
    const channel =
    while (true) {
      const response = yield take(channel);
      const {
        _data: {
          event: { data }
      } = response;
      yield put(syncSquadSuccess(data));
  } catch (error) {
    yield put(syncSquadFailure(error));


我想传递userData,以便我只能侦听以该用户ID命名的文档中的更改.userData存储在我的redux存储中的user对象下.数据结构= state.user.userData

I want to pass in userData so I can listen only for changes in the document named with that user's ID. userData is stored in my redux store under user object. data structure = state.user.userData



是的,您需要使用选择器.如果您的userData准备好进入商店,那么您就已经准备就绪了-您只需要使用 select 传奇中的效果将其拉出:

Yep you're correct, you need to use a selector. If your userData is ready to go in your store you're most of the way there - you just need to use the select effect in your saga to pull it out:

const userData = yield select(getUserData)

getUserData 是一个选择器函数-它以顶级Redux state 对象作为输入(也就是商店),并返回所需的信息.我不知道您的状态对象的形状,但是选择器最终看起来像这样:

That getUserData is a selector function - it takes your top level Redux state object as input (aka the store), and returns the piece of information you need. I don't know the shape of your state object, but the selector will end up looking something like this:

const getUserData = state =>


If you're not already it's good practice to always use a selector any time you need to dip into your store, whether that's from a saga or when connecting to state in components. Your selectors can act as a consistent interface between your store and the rest of the app. It's worth using a helper library like reselect to build up your library of selectors.


08-20 02:55