




I'm looking for a Java pattern for making a nested sequence of non-blocking method calls. In my case, some client code needs to asynchronously invoke a service to perform some use case, and each step of that use case must itself be performed asynchronously (for reasons outside the scope of this question). Imagine I have existing interfaces as follows:

public interface Request {}

public interface Response {}

public interface Callback<R extends Response> {
    void onSuccess(R response);
    void onError(Exception e);

有在请求的各种配对实施响应接口,即 RequestA + ResponseA (由客户提供), RequestB + ResponseB (由服务内部使用)等。

There are various paired implementations of the Request and Response interfaces, namely RequestA + ResponseA (given by the client), RequestB + ResponseB (used internally by the service), etc.



In between the receipt of each response and the sending of the next request, some additional processing needs to happen (e.g. based on values in any of the previous requests or responses).


So far I've tried two approaches to coding this in Java:

  • 匿名类:很快得到难看,因为所需的嵌套

  • 内部类:整洁比以上,但仍难以另一家开发商对COM prehend执行流程


Is there some pattern to make this code more readable? For example, could I express the service method as a list of self-contained operations that are executed in sequence by some framework class that takes care of the nesting?



Since the implementation (not only the interface) must not block, I like your list idea.

设置操作(也许未来 S'),其设置应为pretty清晰可读的列表。然后在接收到的每个响应,下一个操作应被调用。

Set up a list of "operations" (perhaps Futures?), for which the setup should be pretty clear and readable. Then upon receiving each response, the next operation should be invoked.


With a little imagination, this sounds like the chain of responsibility. Here's some pseudocode for what I'm imagining:

public void setup() {
    this.operations.add(new Operation(new RequestA(), new CallbackA()));
    this.operations.add(new Operation(new RequestB(), new CallbackB()));
    this.operations.add(new Operation(new RequestC(), new CallbackC()));
    this.operations.add(new Operation(new RequestD(), new CallbackD()));
private void startNextOperation() {
    if ( this.operations.isEmpty() ) { reportAllOperationsComplete(); }
    Operation op = this.operations.remove(0);
    op.request.go( op.callback );
private class CallbackA implements Callback<Boolean> {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean response) {
        // store response? etc?
