

什么是现实世界问题,其中递归方法是除深度优先搜索 (DFS) 之外的自然解决方案?

What are real-world problems where a recursive approach is the natural solution besides depth-first search (DFS)?


(I don't consider Tower of Hanoi, Fibonacci number, or factorial real-world problems. They are a bit contrived in my mind.)



There are lots of mathy examples here, but you wanted a real world example, so with a bit of thinking, this is possibly the best I can offer:

您发现一个人感染了特定的传染性感染,这种感染是非致命性的,并且可以快速自我修复(A 型),除了五分之一的人(我们将其称为 B 型)永久感染它并没有表现出任何症状,只是充当传播者.

You find a person who has contracted a given contageous infection, which is non fatal, and fixes itself quickly( Type A) , Except for one in 5 people ( We'll call these type B ) who become permanently infected with it and shows no symptoms and merely acts a spreader.

当 B 型感染大量 A 型时,这会造成非常恼人的破坏浪潮.

This creates quite annoying waves of havoc when ever type B infects a multitude of type A.

您的任务是追踪所有 B 型并对其进行免疫以阻止疾病的发生.不幸的是,你不能在全国范围内对所有人进行治疗,因为 A 型人也对适用于 B 型的治疗方法过敏.

Your task is to track down all the type Bs and immunise them to stop the backbone of the disease. Unfortunately tho, you cant administer a nationwide cure to all, because the people who are typeAs are also deadly allergic to the cure that works for type B.

您要这样做的方式是社会发现,假设一个受感染的人(A 型),选择他们上周的所有联系人,在堆上标记每个联系人.当您测试一个人被感染时,将他们添加到跟进"队列中.当一个人是B型的时候,把他们加到头部的跟进"中(因为你想这么快停下来).

The way you would do this, would be social discovery, given an infected person(Type A), choose all their contacts in the last week, marking each contact on a heap. When you test a person is infected, add them to the "follow up" queue. When a person is a type B, add them to the "follow up" at the head ( because you want to stop this fast ).


After processing a given person, select the person from the front of the queue and apply immunization if needed. Get all their contacts previously unvisited, and then test to see if they're infected.


Repeat until the queue of infected people becomes 0, and then wait for another outbreak..


( Ok, this is a bit iterative, but its an iterative way of solving a recursive problem, in this case, breadth first traversal of a population base trying to discover likely paths to problems, and besides, iterative solutions are often faster and more effective, and I compulsively remove recursion everywhere so much its become instinctive. .... dammit! )


08-23 04:40