



我试图将对象序列化和放大器;保存到一个SQL Server 2008中的XML领域。我也有一些反序列化code,它重新水合物的对象。我能够序列化和放大器;保存对象到数据库,却得到了一个根元素缺少异常。

    私人AddressXml _address = NULL;
    私人EmergencyContactXml _emergencyContact = NULL;
    私人PersonalXml _personal = NULL;    [的XmlElement]
        {返回_personal; }
        集合{_personal =价值; }
    }    [的XmlElement]
        {返回_address; }
        集合{_address =价值; }
    }    [的XmlElement]
    公共EmergencyContactXml EmergencyContact
        {返回_emergencyContact; }
        集合{_emergencyContact =价值; }
    }    公共PatientXml(){}
        _address =新AddressXml(patient.Address);
        _emergencyContact =新EmergencyContactXml(patient.EmergencyInfo);
        _personal =新PersonalXml(患者);
    民营字符串_FirstName =的String.Empty,_lastName =的String.Empty,_dateOfBirth =的String.Empty,_phone =的String.Empty;    [XmlAttribute]
        {返回_FirstName; }
        集合{_FirstName =价值; }
    }    [XmlAttribute]
        {返回_lastName; }
        集合{_lastName =价值; }
    }    [XmlAttribute]
        {返回_dateOfBirth; }
        集合{_dateOfBirth =价值; }
    }    [XmlAttribute]
        {返回_phone; }
        集合{_phone =价值; }
    }    公共PersonalXml(){}
        _FirstName = patient.FirstName;
        _lastName = patient.LastName;
        _dateOfBirth = patient.DateOfBirth.ToShortDateString();
        _phone = patient.Phone;
    私人字符串_address1 =的String.Empty,_address2 =的String.Empty,_City =的String.Empty,_state =的String.Empty,_zip =的String.Empty;    [XmlAttribute]
        {返回_address1; }
        集合{_address1 =价值; }
    }    [XmlAttribute]
        {返回_address2; }
        集合{_address2 =价值; }
    }    [XmlAttribute]
        {返回_City; }
        集合{_City =价值; }
    }    [XmlAttribute]
        {返回_state; }
        集合{_state =价值; }
    }    [XmlAttribute]
        {返回_zip; }
        集合{_zip =价值; }
    }    公共AddressXml(){}
        _address1 = address.Address1;
        _address2 = address.Address2;
        _City = address.City;
        _state = address.State,
        _zip = address.Zip code;
    私人字符串_name =的String.Empty,_phone =的String.Empty,_relationship =的String.Empty;    [XmlAttribute]
        {返回_name; }
        集合{_name =价值; }
    }    [XmlAttribute]
        {返回_phone; }
        集合{_phone =价值; }
    }    [XmlAttribute]
        {返回_relationship; }
        集合{_relationship =价值; }
    }    公共EmergencyContactXml(){}
        _name = contact.ContactName;
        _phone = contact.Phone;
        _relationship = contact.Relationship;


    XMLNS:XSI =htt​​p://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance
    的xmlns:XSD =htt​​p://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema>
    <个人名字=测试姓氏=用户1DATEOFBIRTH =1966年3月13日手机=6304449866/>
    <地址地址1 =123有些ST城市=巴特利特状态=CTZIP =60111/>
    < EmergencyContact NAME =Chanduwarthana博士手机=6309769484的关系=父亲/>
< /病人GT;


    公共静态字符串序列化< T>(T项)
        MemoryStream的memStream =新的MemoryStream();
        使用(XmlTextWriter的的TextWriter =新的XmlTextWriter(memStream,Encoding.Uni code)条)
            serializer.Serialize(的TextWriter,项目);            memStream = textWriter.BaseStream为MemoryStream的;
        如果(memStream!= NULL)
            返回Encoding.Uni code.GetString(memStream.ToArray());
    }    公共静态ŧ反序列化< T>(字符串的xmlString)
            返回默认(T);        使用(MemoryStream的memStream =新的MemoryStream())
            使用(XmlTextWriter的的TextWriter =新的XmlTextWriter(memStream,Encoding.Uni code)条)
                memStream.Position = 0;



 使用(MemoryStream的memStream =新的MemoryStream())
    使用(XmlTextWriter的的TextWriter =新的XmlTextWriter(memStream,Encoding.Uni code)条)


 使用(MemoryStream的memStream =新的MemoryStream(Encoding.Uni code.GetBytes(的xmlString)))

I am trying to serialize an object & save it into a Sql server 2008 xml field. I also have some deserialization code that re-hydrates the object. I am able to serialize & save the object into the db, but get a "Root element missing" exception.

public class PatientXml
    private AddressXml _address = null;
    private EmergencyContactXml _emergencyContact = null;
    private PersonalXml _personal = null;

    public PersonalXml Personal
        get { return _personal; }
        set { _personal = value; }

    public AddressXml Address
        get { return _address; }
        set { _address = value; }

    public EmergencyContactXml EmergencyContact
        get { return _emergencyContact; }
        set { _emergencyContact = value; }

    public PatientXml(){}
    public PatientXml(Patient patient)
        _address = new AddressXml(patient.Address);
        _emergencyContact = new EmergencyContactXml(patient.EmergencyInfo);
        _personal = new PersonalXml(patient);

public class PersonalXml
    private string _firstName = string.Empty, _lastName = string.Empty, _dateOfBirth = string.Empty, _phone = string.Empty;

    public string FirstName
        get { return _firstName; }
        set { _firstName = value; }

    public string LastName
        get { return _lastName; }
        set { _lastName = value; }

    public string DateOfBirth
        get { return _dateOfBirth; }
        set { _dateOfBirth = value; }

    public string Phone
        get { return _phone; }
        set { _phone = value; }

    public PersonalXml(){}
    public PersonalXml(Patient patient)
        _firstName = patient.FirstName;
        _lastName = patient.LastName;
        _dateOfBirth = patient.DateOfBirth.ToShortDateString();
        _phone = patient.Phone;

public class AddressXml
    private string _address1 = string.Empty, _address2 = string.Empty, _city = string.Empty, _state = string.Empty, _zip = string.Empty;

    public string Address1
        get { return _address1; }
        set { _address1 = value; }

    public string Address2
        get { return _address2; }
        set { _address2 = value; }

    public string City
        get { return _city; }
        set { _city = value; }

    public string State
        get { return _state; }
        set { _state = value; }

    public string Zip
        get { return _zip; }
        set { _zip = value; }

    public AddressXml(){}
    public AddressXml(Address address)
        _address1 = address.Address1;
        _address2 = address.Address2;
        _city = address.City;
        _state = address.State;
        _zip = address.ZipCode;

public class EmergencyContactXml
    private string _name = string.Empty, _phone = string.Empty, _relationship = string.Empty;

    public string Name
        get { return _name; }
        set { _name = value; }

    public string Phone
        get { return _phone; }
        set { _phone = value; }

    public string Relationship
        get { return _relationship; }
        set { _relationship = value; }

    public EmergencyContactXml(){}
    public EmergencyContactXml(EmergencyContact contact)
        _name = contact.ContactName;
        _phone = contact.Phone;
        _relationship = contact.Relationship;

Serialized Xml output:

    <Personal FirstName="Test" LastName="User 1" DateOfBirth="3/13/1966" Phone="6304449866" />
    <Address Address1="123 Some St" City="Bartlett" State="CT" Zip="60111" />
    <EmergencyContact Name="Dr Chanduwarthana" Phone="6309769484" Relationship="Father" />

Serization & Deserialization code:

public static class XmlSerializer
    public static string Serialize<T>(T item)
        MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
        using (XmlTextWriter textWriter = new XmlTextWriter(memStream, Encoding.Unicode))
            System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
            serializer.Serialize(textWriter, item);

            memStream = textWriter.BaseStream as MemoryStream;
        if (memStream != null)
            return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(memStream.ToArray());
            return null;

    public static T Deserialize<T>(string xmlString)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xmlString))
            return default(T);

        using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream())
            using (XmlTextWriter textWriter = new XmlTextWriter(memStream, Encoding.Unicode))
                memStream.Position = 0;
                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
                return (T)serializer.Deserialize(memStream);

In your deserialization code you're creating a MemoryStream and XmlTextWriter but you're not giving it the string to deserialize.

using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream())
    using (XmlTextWriter textWriter = new XmlTextWriter(memStream, Encoding.Unicode))
        // Omitted

You can pass the bytes to the memory stream and do away with the XmlTextWriter altogether.

using (MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(xmlString)))
    System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
    return (T)serializer.Deserialize(memStream);


08-20 02:45