

我需要找到一种方法来获取 iPhone 设备的IMEI号码。这个问题不重复。

I need to find a way to get the IMEI number of an iPhone device. This question is not a duplicate.


I have gone through several forums including SO, and had no luck finding an answer.

有人说Apple不允许开发人员看到 IMEI 号码(),有人说使用 UDID 代替()。有人说不推荐使用 UDID (在iOS 7中)。

Some say Apple doesn't allow developers to see the IMEI number (SO post), and some say to use UDID instead (SO post). Some say that UDID is deprecated (in iOS 7).


1。) Apple 允许开发人员检索设备的 IMEI 号码?

1.) Does Apple permit developers to retrieve the IMEI number of the device?


2.) How can i programatically do it?

3。)如果Apple不允许开发人员收集 IMEI 号码,他们是否为设备提供任何其他唯一编号?

3.) In case if Apple doesn't allow developers to gather the IMEI number, do they provide any other unique number for the device?


4.) Some suggest to use Telephony framework. If i do so, will apple reject my application?



Apple does not allow you to identify a device any more.


UDID, MAC address and all other device identifiers are no longer accessible or allowed by Apple.

Apple建议您使用UUID(您需要存储)你自己或), 或 。

Apple suggest that you use either UUID (which you will need to store your self or), identifierForVendor .



Any means to get the IMEI number are using private methods, which is also not allowed by Apple anymore. And your mobile app might/will get rejected because of this.


08-20 01:49