




I'm interested in getting my iOS app to turn on the microphone and only listen for frequencies above 17000 hz. If it hears something in that range, I'd like the app to call a method.


And here is a post breaking down FFT:
Get Hz frequency from audio stream on iPhone


Using these examples, I've been able to get the phone to react to the strongest frequency it hears, but I'm more interested in just reacting to the above 17000 hz frequencies.



The fact that I wrote that code helps me answering this question but the answer probably only applies to this code.


You can easily limit the frequencies you listen to just by trimming that output array to a piece that contains only the range you need.

具体为::要简单 - 数组[0..255]包含频域音频。例如,你的采样率是44100,当你做FFT。

In details: To be simple - array[0..255] contains your audio in frequency domain. For example you sample rate was 44100 when you did FFT.Then maximum frequency you can encode is 22050. (Nyquist theorem).

这是数组[0]包含二百五十六分之二万二千零五十零= 86.13 Hz的值。阵列[1]包含86.13 * 2 = 172.26 Hz的价值,阵列[2]包含86.13×3 = 258.39赫兹值。等等。您全方位的跨越那些256个值分布。 (是的,precision遭受)

That is array[0] contains value for 22050/256=86.13 Hz. Array[1] contains value for 86.13*2 = 172.26 Hz, array[2] contains value for 86.13*3 = 258.39 Hz. And so on. Your full range is distributed across those 256 values. (and yes, precision suffers)

所以,如果你只需要听一些范围,比方说上面17000Hz,你只要拿一张该数组的而忽略其他。在这种情况下,你需要17000 / 86.13 = 197〜255子阵和你有它。只有17000-22050范围。

So if you only need to listen to some range, let's say above 17000Hz, you just take a piece of that array and ignore the rest. In this case you take 17000/86.13=197 to 255 subarray and you have it. Only 17000-22050 range.

在我的回购协议修改 strongestFrequencyHZ 这样的功能:

In my repo you modify strongestFrequencyHZ function like that:

static Float32 strongestFrequencyHZ(Float32 *buffer, FFTHelperRef *fftHelper, UInt32 frameSize, Float32 *freqValue) {
Float32 *fftData = computeFFT(fftHelper, buffer, frameSize);
fftData[0] = 0.0;
unsigned long length = frameSize/2.0;
Float32 max = 0;
unsigned long maxIndex = 0;

Float32 freqLimit = 17000; //HZ

Float32 freqsPerIndex = NyquistMaxFreq/length;
unsigned long lowestLimitIndex = (unsigned long) freqLimit/freqsPerIndex;

unsigned long newLen = length-lowestLimitIndex;
Float32 *newData = fftData+lowestLimitIndex; //address arithmetic
max = vectorMaxValueACC32_index(newData, newLen, 1, &maxIndex);
if (freqValue!=NULL) { *freqValue = max; }
Float32 HZ = frequencyHerzValue(lowestLimitIndex+maxIndex, length, NyquistMaxFreq);
return HZ;


我做了一些地址运算在那里,所以它看起来有种复杂。你可以采取的 fftData 阵列,并做定期的东西。

I did some address arithmetic in there so it looks kind of complicated. You can just take that fftData array and do the regular stuff.



Finding strongest freq. is easy. You just find maximum in that array. That's it. But in you case you need to monitor the range and find when it went from regular weak noise to some strong signal. In other words when stuff peaks, and this is not so trivial, but possible. You can probably just set some limit above which the signal becomes detected, although this not the best option.


I would rather be optimistic about this cause in real life you can't see much noise at 18000Hz around you. The only thing a can remember of are some old TVs that produce that high pitched sound when they're on.


08-20 01:40