I have a drupal site with a view that links to detail pages. The view has paging. Here is the issue:
在FireFox中,当您从视图的第8页转到详细信息页面时,然后点击后退"按钮,您最终会进入视图的第8页. (好)
In FireFox, when you go from page 8 of the view to a detail page,then click the back button, you end up at page 8 of the view. (good)
在Chrome中,当您从视图的第8页转到详细信息页面时,点击后退按钮,您最终会进入视图的第1页. (不好)
In Chrome, when you go from page 8 of the view to a detail page, thenclick the back button, you end up at page 1 of the view. (bad)
I was under the impression that chrome and firefox handled back caching in the same way. Is this not true? Is there anything I can do to fix it, i.e., so that in either case you end up at page 8 of the view after clicking the back button?
您可以在 http://www.instepp.umn.edu/上看到我在说什么.出版物
Digging around a bit more, I found the same question at: Firefox back button VS IE and Chrome back buttons
博客文章的答案为: http://madhatted.com/2013/6/16/you-do-not-understand-browser-history
In short, the back button on Chrome & Firefox behave differently; nothing I can do about it if my desired behavior is for the back button to return the DOM from cache. If I want the back button to return a refreshed version of the prior page, I have options as detailed in the blog post.