


我正在使用.net C#开发3CX电话系统的附加软件。我还需要将我的工作与Skype Webportal连接。 

I'm developing in .net C# an addition software for 3CX phone system. I also need to connect my work with Skype Webportal. 

这里的问题是我需要开发一个动作,当3CX电话系统在计算机中振铃时,它会关闭音乐和其他声音。与Skype for Business类似。

The issue here is that I need to develop an action who turn down music and another sounds when 3CX phone system rings in the computer. Similar as Skype for Business is able to do.


But the problem is I don't want to turn down complete in the audio because the user needs to hear the caller. The only thing that I want to do is to determine if someone is using software like web radio, podcast, Spotify etc. and turn that down instead of turn the whole volume down in the computer. So the sound will only come through 3CX, not another software. 


Is there a base class who is able to do that or can anyone advise me about workaround in this issue?


Sigurður H Alfhildars


请使用Windows API尝试以下方法。

Please try the following method by using windows API.

private static extern int waveOutGetVolume(IntPtr hwo, out uint dwVolume);

private static extern int waveOutSetVolume(IntPtr hwo, uint dwVolume);

/// <summary>
/// Returns volume from 0 to 10
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Volume from 0 to 10</returns>
public static int GetVolume()
  uint CurrVol = 0;
  waveOutGetVolume(IntPtr.Zero, out CurrVol);
  ushort CalcVol = (ushort)(CurrVol & 0x0000ffff);
  int volume = CalcVol / (ushort.MaxValue / 10);
  return volume;

/// <summary>
/// Sets volume from 0 to 10
/// </summary>
/// <param name="volume">Volume from 0 to 10</param>
public static void SetVolume(int volume)
  int NewVolume = ((ushort.MaxValue / 10) * volume);
  uint NewVolumeAllChannels = (((uint)NewVolume & 0x0000ffff) | ((uint)NewVolume << 16));
  waveOutSetVolume(IntPtr.Zero, NewVolumeAllChannels);




08-20 01:05