本文介绍了在Cocoa / Cocoa Touch中监视目录的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am trying to find a way to monitor the contents of a directory for changes. I have tried two approaches.

  1. 使用kqueue监视目录

  2. 使用GCD监视目录


The problem I am encountering is that I can't find a way to detect which file has changed. I am attempting to monitor a directory with potentially thousands of files in it and I do not want to call stat on every one of them to find out which ones changed. I also do not want to set up a separate dispatch source for every file in that directory. Is this currently possible?




My advice is to just bite the bullet and do a directory scan in another thread, even if you're talking about thousands of files. But if you insist, here's the answer:


There's no way to do this without rolling up your sleeves and going kernel-diving.


Your first option is to use the FSEvents framework, which sends out notifications when a file is created, edited or deleted (as well as things to do with attributes). Overview is here, and someone wrote an Objective C wrapper around the API, although I haven't tried it. But the overview doesn't mention the part about events surrounding file changes, just directories (like with kqueue). I ended up using the code from here along with the header file here to compile my own logger which I could use to get events at the individual file level. You'd have to write some code in your app to run the logger in the background and monitor it.

或者,请参阅命令,它不断地监视所有文件系统活动(我的意思是全部)。这已经与达尔文一起,所以你不必自己编译。您可以使用kqueue监听目录更改,同时监视。如果从kqueue收到一个目录已更改的通知,您可以查看fs_usage的输出,查看写入哪些文件,并根据修改的目录检查文件名。 fs_usage是一个firehose,所以准备使用一些选项,以及grep来驯服它。

Alternatively, take a look at the "fs_usage" command, which constantly monitors all filesystem activity (and I do mean all). This comes with Darwin already, so you don't have to compile it yourself. You can use kqueue to listen for directory changes, while at the same time monitoring the output from "fs_usage". If you get a notification from kqueue that a directory has changed, you can look at the output from fs_usage, see which files were written to, and check the filenames against the directory that was modified. fs_usage is a firehose, so be prepared to use some options along with Grep to tame it.


To make things more fun, both your FSEvents logger and fs_usage require root access, so you'll have to get authorization from the user before you can use them in your OS X app (check out the Authorization Services Programming Guide for info on how to do it).


If this all sounds horribly complicated, that's because it is. But at least you didn't have to find out the hard way!

这篇关于在Cocoa / Cocoa Touch中监视目录的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 01:04