

我已经使用DNN创建了一个网站。该网站在网址阿拉伯字符的域名之后。例如: http://www.example.com/اسعارالعملاتASPX


  1. 这是URL非阿拉伯语支持操作系统或浏览器阅读还是会给予用户一个错误?

  2. 这是好对SEO有阿拉伯文的网址或不?

  3. 是否还有其他问题,由于使用的阿拉伯字符?



[1] 是,他们将正常工作,由于国际化资源标识符。

[2] 如果您的目标阿拉伯语搜索结果然后是其在地址栏阿拉伯语有利于搜索引擎优化。我相信谷歌并巧妙翻译的东西寿也。

[3] 复制粘贴的URL看起来滑稽所致[1]如果你看一下维基百科的阿拉伯语,并尝试复制粘贴他们的URL的地方,你会明白我的意思。


我知道,谷歌确实把一些重成什么样是在URL中,以便例如具有页面title.aspx会比PAGETITLE更好。我会想象,同样的规则也适用于有外语的网址 - 这将有助于增加结果时,人们正在寻找那些包含在阿拉伯语中的条款





I have created a website using DNN. The site has arabic characters in URL after the domain name. For example: http://www.example.com/اسعارالعملات.aspx.

My questions are:

  1. Is this URL read by non Arabic supportive operating systems or browsers or will it give the user an error?
  2. Is it good for SEO to have Arabic in URL or not?
  3. Are there any other problems due to the use of Arabic characters?

Edit : To answer your question points directly.

[1] Yes they will work fine due to Internationalized Resource Identifiers.

[2] If you are targeting Arabic search results then yes having arabic in the url bar is good for SEO. I am sure Google does clever translation stuff tho as well.

[3] Copy pasting the URL will look funny due to [1] If you look at Arabic wikipedia and try copy paste their url somewhere you will see what I mean.

More information

I know Google does put some weight into what is in the url so for example having page-title.aspx will be better than pagetitle. I would imagine that the same rules apply for having foreign language urls - it will help increase results when people are searching for terms that are included in your arabic word.

Most browsers will deal with it fine I don't think you need to have a special language pack installed. Arabic Wikipedia works fine though the characters get mapped using Internationalized Resource Identifiers.


So will look fine in your url bar but will look like this http://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D9%81%D8%AD%D8%A9_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B1%D8%A6%D9%8A%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A9 when copied.

I always liked how backspace and delete work the other way around with Arabic text.


08-20 01:03