




I've used the voice recognition feature on Android and I love it. It's one of my customers' most praised features. However, the format is somewhat restrictive. You have to call the recognizer intent, have it send the recording for transcription to google, and wait for the text back.


Some of my ideas would require recording the audio within my app and then sending the clip to google for transcription.


Is there any way I can send an audio clip to be processed with speech to text?



I got a solution that is working well to have speech recognizing and audio recording. Here is the link to a simple Android project I created to show the solution's working. Also, I put some print screens inside the project to illustrate the app.


I'm gonna try to explain briefly the approach I used. I combined two features in that project: Google Speech API and Flac recording.

谷歌语音API是通过HTTP连接调用。 迈克Pultz 提供有关API的更多细节:

Google Speech API is called through HTTP connections. Mike Pultz gives more details about the API:

(...)新(谷歌)API是一个全双工流API。这句话的意思是,它实际上使用两个HTTP连接 - 一个职位的要求上载的内容为活分块流和第二GET请求来访问的结果,这使得更多的意义为更长的音频样本,或流式音频。

"(...) the new [Google] API is a full-duplex streaming API. What this means, is that it actually uses two HTTP connections- one POST request to upload the content as a "live" chunked stream, and a second GET request to access the results, which makes much more sense for longer audio samples, or for streaming audio."


However, this API needs to receive a FLAC sound file to work properly. That makes us to go to the second part: Flac recording

我通过提取和从一个开源应用程序称为AudioBoo适应几张code和库中实现拉克记录在该项目。 AudioBoo使用本机code录制和播放FLAC格式。

I implemented Flac recording in that project through extracting and adapting some pieces of code and libraries from an open source app called AudioBoo. AudioBoo uses native code to record and play flac format.


Thus, it's possible to record a flac sound, send it to Google Speech API, get the text, and play the sound that was just recorded.


The project I created has the basic principles to make it work and can be improved for specific situations. In order to make it work in a different scenario, it's necessary to get a Google Speech API key, which is obtained by being part of Google Chromium-dev group. I left one key in that project just to show it's working, but I'll remove it eventually. If someone needs more information about it, let me know cause I'm not able to put more than 2 links in this post.


08-20 01:01