我一直在处理 ,并且在未来抛出异常时遇到问题。
I've been working up my answer to Is there a standard Scala function for running a block with a timeout?, and have run into a problem if an exception is thrown in a Future.
def runWithTimeout[T](timeoutMs: Long)(f: => T) : Option[T] = {
awaitAll(timeoutMs, future(f)).head.asInstanceOf[Option[T]]
runWithTimeout(50) { "result" } should equal (Some("result"))
runWithTimeout(50) { Thread.sleep(100); "result" } should equal (None)
但是,如果我在我的块中抛出异常, t泄漏,但被吞噬 - 以下失败与..no异常被抛出
But if I throw an exception in my block it doesn't leak, but is swallowed - so that the following fails with "..no exception was thrown"
intercept[Exception] {
runWithTimeout(50) { throw new Exception("deliberate") }
}.getMessage should equal("deliberate")
Syserr has a stack trace with the message
<function0>: caught java.lang.Exception: deliberate
but I can't find where in the Scala runtime that is printed.
Apart from wrapping f in another block which catches exceptions and propagates them if thrown, is there any way to persuade awaitAll and/or Future to throw?
Exceptions don't do what you want when you're working in a threaded context, because you want to know about the exception in the caller, and the exception happens in the future's thread.
相反,如果你想知道什么是异常,你应该返回一个 [Exception,What YouWant]
- 当然,你必须在将来捕获这个例外,并将其打包。
Instead, if you want to know what the exception was, you should return an Either[Exception,WhatYouWant]
--of course, you have to catch that exception within the future and package it up.
scala> scala.actors.Futures.future{
try { Right("fail".toInt) } catch { case e: Exception => Left(e) }
res0: scala.actors.Future[Product with Serializable with Either[Exception,Int]] = <function0>
scala> res0() // Apply the future
res1: Product with Serializable with Either[Exception,Int] =
Left(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "fail")
这篇关于如何获得Scala Future中抛出的异常?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!