



当我安装了最新的安装在Mac OSX上 - 在山狮 - 我遇到了一些问题,让Eclipse来工作,我也失去了我的大部分Android开发者的文件(但我仍然有我的项目)。我怀疑这是由于删除/开发者的选择并移动X code和其他苹果开发工具(我在这里把我的Andr​​oid的工具)。

When I installed the latest installment in Mac OSX - the Mountain Lion - I experienced some problems getting Eclipse to work I also lost most of my Android developer files (but I still have my projects). I suspect this is due to the choice of removing the /Developer and move the XCode and other Apple developer tools (I placed my Android tools here).


I have now installed the latest version of Eclipse and the problem still seems to be around. There are errors in all my projects and I get an error message prompting:

The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced
from required .class files

我试图同时检查Eclipse和我的终端Java类路径和这些似乎是确定。 java和javac的无论是在我的终端上运行,并有一个有效的路径java源文件在Eclipse(在preferences,爪哇,已安装的JRE)。话虽这么说,我不是在Eclipse中的专家,所以有可能是我误会了怎么这个问题应该得到解决。这里有人有类似问题或谁知道治愈?

I tried to check the Java class-path both in Eclipse and in my terminal and these seems to be OK. java and javac both run in my terminal and there is a valid path to the java source files in Eclipse (Under Preferences, Java, Installed JREs). That being said I'm not an expert in Eclipse so there may be that I have misunderstood how this problem ought to be solved. Anyone here with similar problems or who know the cure?



Make sure that you have a valid JRE or JDK defined in the Java Build Path of your project. Right-click on your project, select Properties... and then Java Build Path.


08-20 00:43