我们目前发现的用于在Visual Studio Online中验证请求请求的唯一解决方法是创建一个触发Studio的Visual Studio构建定义,并在该构建定义上创建分支策略.
The only workaround we found for validating pull requests in visual studio online currently is to create a visual studio build definition that triggers our jenkins job, and create a branch policy on that build definition.
但是在创建/更新git pull请求时,Visual Studio Online可以直接触发jenkins作业.
But Visual Studio online is able to trigger the jenkins job directly when a git pull request is created / updated.
是否可以根据詹金斯工作的结果制定分支政策? TFS插件已经为正常推送"构建状态提供了状态反馈.
Is it possible to create a branch policy on the outcome of that jenkins job? The TFS plugin already provides status feedback for the "normal push" build status.
It is impossible now, I submit a user voice here: Branch policy based on jenkins job, you can vote and follow up it.