




I've created a simple example to illustrate transitive closure using recursive queries in PostgreSQL.


However, something is off with my recursive query. I'm not familiar with the syntax yet so this request may be entirely noobish of me, and for that I apologize in advance. If you run the query, you will see that node 1 repeats itself in the path results. Can someone please help me figure out how to tweak the SQL?

/*           1
           /   \
          2     3
         / \   /
        4  5  6
     / \
    8   9

create table account(
acct_id INT,
parent_id INT REFERENCES account(acct_id),
acct_name VARCHAR(100),
PRIMARY KEY(acct_id)

insert into account (acct_id, parent_id, acct_name) values (1,1,'account 1');
insert into account (acct_id, parent_id, acct_name) values (2,1,'account 2');
insert into account (acct_id, parent_id, acct_name) values (3,1,'account 3');
insert into account (acct_id, parent_id, acct_name) values (4,2,'account 4');
insert into account (acct_id, parent_id, acct_name) values (5,2,'account 5');
insert into account (acct_id, parent_id, acct_name) values (6,3,'account 6');
insert into account (acct_id, parent_id, acct_name) values (7,4,'account 7');
insert into account (acct_id, parent_id, acct_name) values (8,7,'account 8');
insert into account (acct_id, parent_id, acct_name) values (9,7,'account 9');

WITH RECURSIVE search_graph(acct_id, parent_id, depth, path, cycle) AS (
        SELECT g.acct_id, g.parent_id, 1,
        FROM account g
        SELECT g.acct_id, g.parent_id, sg.depth + 1,
          path || g.acct_id,
          g.acct_id = ANY(path)
        FROM account g, search_graph sg
        WHERE g.acct_id = sg.parent_id AND NOT cycle
SELECT path[1] as Child,parent_id as Parent,path || parent_id as path FROM search_graph
ORDER BY path[1],depth;


您可以在几个地方进行简化(假设 acct_id parent_id NOT NULL ):

You can simplify in several places (assuming acct_id and parent_id are NOT NULL):

WITH RECURSIVE search_graph AS (
   SELECT parent_id, ARRAY[acct_id] AS path
   FROM   account

   SELECT g.parent_id, sg.path || g.acct_id
   FROM   search_graph sg
   JOIN   account g ON g.acct_id = sg.parent_id
   WHERE  g.acct_id <> ALL(sg.path)
SELECT path[1] AS child
     , path[array_upper(path,1)] AS parent
     , path
FROM   search_graph
ORDER  BY path;

  • acct_id 深度周期只是查询中的噪音。

  • WHERE 条件必须提前一步退出递归,即之前出现来自顶部节点的重复条目。

    • The columns acct_id, depth, cycle are just noise in your query.
    • The WHERE condition has to exit the recursion one step earlier, before the duplicate entry from the top node is in the result. That was an "off-by-one" in your original.
    • 其余的正在格式化。


      If you know the only possible circle in your graph is a self-reference, we can have that cheaper:

      WITH RECURSIVE search_graph AS (
         SELECT parent_id, ARRAY[acct_id] AS path, acct_id <> parent_id AS keep_going
         FROM   account
         UNION  ALL
         SELECT g.parent_id, sg.path || g.acct_id, g.acct_id <> g.parent_id
         FROM   search_graph sg
         JOIN   account g ON g.acct_id = sg.parent_id
         WHERE  sg.keep_going
      SELECT path[1] AS child
           , path[array_upper(path,1)] AS parent
           , path
      FROM   search_graph
      ORDER  BY path;

      请注意会出现问题(至少在pg v9.4以下)对于带有修饰符的数据类型(例如 varchar(5)),因为数组级联会丢失修饰符,但rCTE坚持严格匹配类型:

      Note there would be problems (at least up to pg v9.4) for data types with a modifier (like varchar(5)) because array concatenation loses the modifier but the rCTE insists on types matching exactly:

      • Surprising results for data types with type modifier


08-20 00:36