



众所周知,有WARP(在CUDA中)和WaveFront(在OpenCL中): http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse471/13sp/lectures/GPUsStudents.pdf

As known, there are WARP (in CUDA) and WaveFront (in OpenCL): http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse471/13sp/lectures/GPUsStudents.pdf

  • WARP in CUDA: http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/index.html#simt-architecture


warp一次执行一条普通指令,因此完全有效 当一个warp的所有32个线程都同意执行时,将实现 小路.如果经线的线程通过依赖于数据的条件而发散 分支,warp串行执行所采用的每个分支路径,从而禁用 不在该路径上的线程,并且在所有路径完成后, 线程收敛回到相同的执行路径.分支分歧 仅在翘曲内发生; 不同的扭曲独立执行 不管他们执行的是通用代码还是脱节代码 路径.

A warp executes one common instruction at a time, so full efficiency is realized when all 32 threads of a warp agree on their execution path. If threads of a warp diverge via a data-dependent conditional branch, the warp serially executes each branch path taken, disabling threads that are not on that path, and when all paths complete, the threads converge back to the same execution path. Branch divergence occurs only within a warp; different warps execute independently regardless of whether they are executing common or disjoint code paths.

SIMT架构类似于SIMD(单指令,多指令) 数据)矢量组织,只需一条指令即可控制 多个处理元素.一个关键的区别是SIMD向量 组织将SIMD宽度公开给软件,而SIMT 指令指定单个的执行和分支行为 线程.

The SIMT architecture is akin to SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) vector organizations in that a single instruction controls multiple processing elements. A key difference is that SIMD vector organizations expose the SIMD width to the software, whereas SIMT instructions specify the execution and branching behavior of a single thread.

  • WaveFront : https://sites.google.com/site/csc8820/opencl-basics/opencl-terms-explained#TOC-Wavefront
    • WaveFront in OpenCL: https://sites.google.com/site/csc8820/opencl-basics/opencl-terms-explained#TOC-Wavefront

    • 即我们知道:

      I.e. we know, that:

        WARP (CUDA)中的
      • 个线程是SIMT线程,它们每次总是执行相同的指令,并且始终保持同步,即WARP与 SIMD通道(在CPU上)

      • threads in WARP (CUDA) - are SIMT-threads, which always executes the same instructions at each time and always are stay synchronized - i.e. threads of WARP are the same as lanes of SIMD (on CPU)


      threads in WaveFront (OpenCL) - are threads, which always executes in parallel, but not necessarily all the threads perform the exact same instruction, and not necessarily all of the threads are synchronized


      But is there any guarantee that all of the threads in the WaveFront always synchronized such as threads in WARP or as lanes in SIMD?


      1. WaveFront线程(项目)始终保持同步-锁定步骤:"wavefront在锁定步骤中相对于彼此执行许多工作项."
      2. 映射到SIMD块上的WaveFront :波前中的所有工作项都流向两个流控制路径"
      3. 每个WaveFront线程(项目)映射到SIMD车道
      1. WaveFront-threads (items) are always synchronized - lock step: "wavefront executes a number of work-items in lock step relative to each other."
      2. WaveFront mapped on SIMD-block: "all work-items in the wavefront go to both paths of flow control"
      3. I.e. each WaveFront-thread (item) mapped to SIMD-lanes

      第20页: http://developer .amd.com/wordpress/media/2013/07/AMD_Accelerated_Parallel_Processing_OpenCL_Programming_Guide-rev-2.7.pdf



      Wavefronts和工作组是与计算有关的两个概念 提供数据并行粒度的内核. 波前 相对于每个操作,在锁定步骤中执行许多工作项 其他. 在矢量上并行执行16个工作项 单位,整个波前覆盖了四个时钟周期.它 是流量控制可以影响的最低级别.这意味着,如果 波前的两个工作项会进入不同的流动路径 控制,波前的所有工作项都进入两个流动路径 控制.

      Wavefronts and work-groups are two concepts relating to compute kernels that provide data-parallel granularity. A wavefront executes a number of work-items in lock step relative to each other. Sixteen workitems are execute in parallel across the vector unit, and the whole wavefront is covered over four clock cycles. It is the lowest level that flow control can affect. This means that if two work-items inside of a wavefront go divergent paths of flow control, all work-items in the wavefront go to both paths of flow control.

      这适用于: http: //amd-dev.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wordpress/media/2013/12/AMD_OpenCL_Programming_Optimization_Guide2.pdf

      • (第45页)第2章 GCN设备的OpenCL性能和优化
      • (第81页)第3章常绿和北部岛屿设备的OpenCL性能和优化
      • (page-45) Chapter 2 OpenCL Performance and Optimization for GCN Devices
      • (page-81) Chapter 3 OpenCL Performance and Optimization for Evergreen and Northern Islands Devices



      First, you can query some values:



      but only from host side as I know.


      Lets assume these queries returned 64 and your question gives importance to threads' implicit synchronization.

      如果有人选择本地范围= 4怎么办?

      What if someone chooses local range = 4?


      Since opencl abstracts hardware clockwork from developer, you can't know what actual SIMD or WAVEFRONT size is from within kernel execution in runtime.

      例如,AMD NCU具有64个着色器,但它在同一计算单元内具有16宽SIMD,8宽SIMD,4宽SIMD,2宽SIMD甚至两个标量单元.

      For example, AMD NCU has 64 shaders but it has 16-wide SIMD, 8-wide SIMD, 4-wide SIMD, 2-wide SIMD and even two scalar units inside same compute unit.


      4 local threads could be shared on two scalars and one 2-wide unit or any other combination of SIMDs. Kernel code can't know this. Even if it knows somehow computing things, you can't know which SIMD combination will be used for next kernel execution(or even next workgroup) at runtime in a random compute-unit(64 shaders).

      或者其中具有4x16 SIMD的GCN CU可以为每个SIMD分配1个线程,从而使所有4个线程完全独​​立.如果他们都住在同一个SIMD中,那么您会很幸运.无法保证知道内核执行之前.即使您知道之后,下一个内核也可能会有所不同,因为不能保证选择相同的SIMD分配(后台内核,3d可视化软件,甚至OS都可能在管道中冒出气泡)

      Or a GCN CU, which has 4x16 SIMDs in it, could allocate 1 thread per SIMD, making all 4 threads totally independent. If they all reside in same SIMD, youre lucky. There is no guarantee knowing that "before" kernel execution. Even after you know, next kernel could be different since there is no guarantee of choosing same SIMD allocation(background kernels, 3d visualization softwares, even OS could be putting bubbles in pipelines)


      There is no guarantee of commanding/hinting/querying of N threads to run as same SIMD or same WARP before kernel execution. Then in the kernel, there is no command to get a thread's wavefront index just like get_global_id(0). Then after kernel, you can't rely on array results since next kernel execution may not use same SIMDs for exact same items. Even some items from other wavefronts could be swapped with an item from current wavefront just for an optimization by driver or hardware (nvidia has loadbalancer lately and could have been doing this, also NCU of amd may use similar thing in future)


      Even if you guess right combination of threads on SIMDs on your hardware and driver, it could be totally different in another computer.


      • 内核代码中的零分支
      • 零内核在后台运行
      • gpu未用于监视器输出
      • gpu未用于某些可视化软件


      Just to make sure %99 probability, there are no bubbles in pipelines so all threads retire an instruction at the same cycle(or at least synchronize at latest retiring one).


      Or, add a fence after every instruction to synchronize on global or local memory which is very slow. Fences make workitem level synhronization, barriers make local group level synchronization. There are no wavefront synchronization commands.


      Then, those threads that run within same SIMD will behave synchronized. But you may not know which threads those are and which SIMDs.

      对于4线程示例,对所有计算使用float16可能会使驱动程序使用AMD GCN CU的16宽SIMD进行计算,但是它们现在不再是线程,而仅是变量.但这应该比线程具有更好的数据同步性.

      For the 4-thread example, using float16 for all calculations may let the driver use 16-wide SIMDs of AMD GCN CU to compute but then they are not threads anymore, only variables. But this should have better synchronization on data, than threads.


      There are more complex situations such as:

      • 在同一SIMD中有4个线程,但是一个线程计算会生成一些NaN值,并对此进行额外的归一化(可能需要1-2个周期).其他3个应等待完成,但它独立于数据相关的速度下降而起作用.

      • 4 threads in same SIMD but one thread calculation generates some NaN value and does an extra normalization(taking 1-2 cycle maybe) on that. 3 others should wait for completion but it works independently of data related slowdowns.


      4 threads in same wavefront are in a loop and one of them stuck forever. 3 of them wait for the 4th one to finish forever or driver detects and moves it to another free-empty SIMD? Or 4th one waits for other 3 at the same time because they are not moving too!


      4 threads doing atomic operations, one by one.


      Amd's HD5000 series gpu has SIMD width 4(or 5) but wavefront size is 64.


08-19 23:30