




This question asks about ensuring two processes run on the same CPU. Using sched_setaffinity I can limit a process to a number of logical CPUs, but how can I ensure that these are mapped to specific physical CPUs and threads?


0-CPU 0线程0
1-CPU 0线程1
2-CPU 1线程0
3-CPU 1线程1

0 - CPU 0 thread 0
1 - CPU 0 thread 1
2 - CPU 1 thread 0
3 - CPU 1 thread 1


where the number on the left is the relevant CPU used in sched_setaffinity.


However, when I tried to test this, it appeared that this is not necessarily the case.

为了测试这一点,我使用了CPUID指令,该指令返回了EBX中当前内核的初始APIC ID:

To test this, I used the CPUID instruction, which returns the initial APIC ID of the current core in EBX:

void print_cpu()
    int cpuid_out;

        : "=b"(cpuid_out)
        : "a"(1)

    std::cout << "I am running on cpu " << std::hex << (cpuid_out >> 24) << std::dec << std::endl;


Then I looped over the bits in the cpu mask and set them one at a time so that the OS would migrate the process to each logical CPU in turn, and then I printed out the current CPU.


cpu mask is 0
I am running on cpu 0
cpu mask is 1
I am running on cpu 4
cpu mask is 2
I am running on cpu 2
cpu mask is 3
I am running on cpu 6
cpu mask is 4
I am running on cpu 1
cpu mask is 5
I am running on cpu 5
cpu mask is 6
I am running on cpu 3
cpu mask is 7
I am running on cpu 7

假设CPU根据上面列出的方案分配了初始APIC ID,似乎cpu掩码实际上并不对应于物理内核和线程.

assuming that the CPU assigns initial APIC IDs according to the scheme I listed above, it would seem that the cpu mask doesn't actually correspond to the physical core and thread.


How can I find the correct mapping of bits in the mask for sched_setaffinity to physical cores?


hwloc 是一个便携式C库,用于发现硬件/NUMA拓扑,并将进程/线程绑定到特定的内核.它具有发现物理/逻辑核心,然后将进程/线程绑定到它的功能.

hwloc is a portable C library for discovering hardware/NUMA topology, and also binding processes/threads to particular cores. It has functions to discover physical/logical cores, and then bind a process/thread to it.


It also looks like it can also return a cpu_set_t for use with sched_setaffinity(), if you want to keep using that directly.


08-19 23:20