






///< /总结>
    //其他异步功能,但我不能在功能本身更改为异步    尝试
        MyAsyncDriverFunction();        在code的//其余的等待上面的函数返回
}公共静态异步任务<&IEnumerable的LT;串GT;> MyAsyncDriverFunction()
        VAR strCollection =等待AsyncExternalLibraryFunction1();
        VAR strCollection2 =等待AsyncExternalLibraryFunction2();        返回strCollection;


  • 我无法将MySyncFunction更改为异步

  • 调用在同步方式,它必须等待它完成所有的工作,我处理code遵循
  • 前的MyAsyncDriverFunction
  • 能够处理这两种功能异常(从我到目前为止,这是棘手的阅读?)

  • 我需要使用标准的API一个简单的方法,我不能使用任何第三方库(即使我想)


That's because there isn't a "straight-forward" answer.

The only proper solution is to make MySyncFunction asynchronous. Period. All other solutions are hacks, and there is no hack that works perfectly in all scenarios.

I go into full details in my recent MSDN article on brownfield async development, but here's the gist:

You can block with Wait() or Result. As others have noted, you can easily cause a deadlock, but this can work if the asynchronous code never resumes on its captured context.

You can push the work to a thread pool thread and then block. However, this assumes that the asynchronous work is capable of being pushed to some other arbitrary thread and that it can resume on other threads, thus possibly introducing multithreading.

You can push the work to a thread pool thread that executes a "main loop" - e.g., a dispatcher or my own AsyncContext type. This assumes the asynchronous work is capable of being pushed to another thread but removes any concerns about multithreading.

You can install a nested message loop on the main thread. This will execute the asynchronous code on the calling thread, but also introduces reentrancy, which is extremely difficult to reason about correctly.

In short, there is no one answer. Every single approach is a hack that works for different kinds of asynchronous code.


08-19 23:17